low carb high fat

Momwa6 Posts: 37 Member
hi first let me say i don't want no ignorant comments.No one size fits all.Is there anyone who is doing low carb high fat.what has been your experience on it and what are some tips you can offer in terms of macros and workouts


  • jgirlredzz
    jgirlredzz Posts: 21
    Hi, I am so glad to see your question here.

    I'm experimenting with increasing my fats, lowering carbs.

    A little about me: I was 185 when I started counting calories. I'd been doing zumba for about a year 4-5 times a week, often two classes a day. I began logging my foods and at 1700 calories a day for 3 days and 2200 calories on day and I lost about 35 lbs.

    I've been maintaining for about a year. Now I'm ready to move the scale down to 135.

    It's only been 3 days for me going high fat, and I am so happy! I have dropped one pound and 149 has been on my scale for 2 days in a row.

    I am curious to see how my body responds to the high fats.

    I am doing about a half hour to an hour of cardio a day and alternating resistance training from 1/2 hour upper body one day 1/2 hour lower body next day with one or two rest days a week. My weight work outs are low/medium weights and 20 - 30 reps (until I can no longer complete the movement with correct form).

    I have not been able to keep my fats high and my calories lower than about 2000, so I am interested to see if I continue to see weight loss, or if that's just too many calories for me to lose weight.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Feel Free To look at my Food Journal.
    I feel great on it.
    My body is responding as it should.
    Lots of energy.
    I run daily, Im also Lifting.
    Keep in mind your carbs should be no more than 10% if Keto is what your going for.
    High Protein is also a factor.
    Make sure the fats your ingesting are mostly pure fats from proteins, nuts and such.
    Extra Virgin Pure Coconut oil is also great for boosting metabolism.
  • 125or115
    125or115 Posts: 2
    I've been doing low carb since 9/24/12 (a few days over 8 months) and have lost 84.6 lbs. [235 to 150.4, at 5'5"]
    I try to keep carbs under 40 a day (gross carbs, not net). My macro's average: fat 45%, protein 35%, carbs 20%. But ... I should have eaten more protein, I have lost some muscle.
    My only exercise has been walking ... and not much of that. I have a chronic health condition that leaves me in daily pain; aerobic exercise makes it worse. Now that I'm not so embarrassed of my size, I plan to join a gym and add weight training.
    Look up Llyle McDonald (The Ketogenic Diet, Rapid Fat Loss, etc) on the web, you can find some of his books in PDF free online. Another great resource is Mark's Daily Apple. Daily Apple is a Paleo diet, but that is just a more restrictive (IE everything is supposed to be organic, grass fed, etc) low carb. Both give you a little of the science behind what works. I read everything I can find, and take the commonalities away as what is the root truth. Oh, also Dr.'s Michael & Mary Eades/Protein Power
    Good luck!