

  • Thanks so much! I'll try that! I especially like the glass of water before a meal.. smart!
    in Help!? Comment by eva028 April 2008
  • I feel so unbelievably disgusting! So when I started this profile it was because i had gained 10 pounds and needed a little inspiration and support to help my lose it. Well the only thing I lost was motivation and gained almost 10 more! So now, I have about 20 pounds that I want to lose and at least 10 for sure by early…
    in Help!? Comment by eva028 April 2008
  • So for about the last month, I stopped coming on here and started binging. GROSS! I did well for awhile, but when i stopped 'caring' i gained it all back, and then some... thankfully though, we decided to go to Florida, just kind of a spontanious thing.. so i didnt have like any time to trim down or anything. seeing myself…
    in Blahh... Comment by eva028 February 2008
  • run. start slow for awhile until you can "build yourself up" but it's definitely a good way to get/stay in shape And help with your asthma. I was in and out of the hospital, on meds. twice a day, and had to get shots once a week because my asthma was so bad. but i kept very active with soccer and swimming and trust me, the…
  • ...my weight and my motivation. I'm not trying to lose a lot but I definitely need help staying motivated and sticking with it. It's only eight pounds but, that's my problem, I'm looking at it as Only eight pounds. Instead I just need to look at it as being healthier and looking great in time for my cruise! I'm definietly…
  • Ugh, so I've been trying to lose some weight. It's not a lot but it's been taking me Forever to try and lose it. Well, actually it's more of a motivation/'stick-with-it' problem. But now I'm trying to serious about it.. I have a cruise coming up and I NEED to get a jump on things. I'd crash for a few days but then totally…