
I feel so unbelievably disgusting!

So when I started this profile it was because i had gained 10 pounds and needed a little inspiration and support to help my lose it. Well the only thing I lost was motivation and gained almost 10 more! So now, I have about 20 pounds that I want to lose and at least 10 for sure by early June.

Now it's time to get back on track. I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago and even My Mom was suprised when the nurse announced my weight. So gross.
Lacrosse practice just started, so that's a start. I've been trying to go running, but I guess I could put forth a little more effort... I do like running but it's motivation that needs a little push. My eating habits definitely need to change. The reason I did go to the doctor was to find out if I had high cholesterol (which 95% of my family does) annd what do you know.. 17 and I have high cholesterol. Great. I guess that just gives me more reason to eat better and work out more. I have cut out fast food and soda (not all together, but I'm working on it). I have graduation and am going on a 7 day cruise right after so I HAVE to look good!

If you have Any tips, fad diets or any advice at all.. It would be GREATLY appreciated!


  • eva028
    eva028 Posts: 10
    I feel so unbelievably disgusting!

    So when I started this profile it was because i had gained 10 pounds and needed a little inspiration and support to help my lose it. Well the only thing I lost was motivation and gained almost 10 more! So now, I have about 20 pounds that I want to lose and at least 10 for sure by early June.

    Now it's time to get back on track. I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago and even My Mom was suprised when the nurse announced my weight. So gross.
    Lacrosse practice just started, so that's a start. I've been trying to go running, but I guess I could put forth a little more effort... I do like running but it's motivation that needs a little push. My eating habits definitely need to change. The reason I did go to the doctor was to find out if I had high cholesterol (which 95% of my family does) annd what do you know.. 17 and I have high cholesterol. Great. I guess that just gives me more reason to eat better and work out more. I have cut out fast food and soda (not all together, but I'm working on it). I have graduation and am going on a 7 day cruise right after so I HAVE to look good!

    If you have Any tips, fad diets or any advice at all.. It would be GREATLY appreciated!
    OMISALJ Posts: 69
    As you start filling in what you eat, and then look at the totals at the end of the day, you start seeing what you should cut out. For me, i watch the calories, but also its portion control. I used to eat like a six piece buffalo wing meal, but now ill have 1 just to satisfy myself. And i try not to eat after 6pm. Also if you are going to eat "bad" food, try doing it early in the day, so you have the rest of the time to burn it off. I lost weight b4 starting this website, 11 lbs, and i cant even explain what an amazing feeling it is to ry smaller clothes on. Also before you eat a meal, try to drink a whole glass of water, so you feel fuller and won't eat as much. Well good luck again.
  • eva028
    eva028 Posts: 10
    Thanks so much! I'll try that! I especially like the glass of water before a meal.. smart!