ljbhill Member


  • Sounds similar to the doco 'fat heat' which actually advocates more fat in the diet and less wheat/sugar. I must say I've cut a lot of gluten, complex carb and sugars from my diet and added more fat. I feel way less bloated, don't have cravings and dropped the last few pounds! I even upped my calories! The best thing to…
  • Was that just at the one movie??? :noway: Congratulations on your transformation, body and mind! :happy:
  • Take your own popcorn or chuppa chup from home and have a diet coke/sparkling water =)
  • These days.... excercise. Not the cardio but the weights. Just. Can't. Seem. To get it together!!!! MUST DO MORE WEIGHTS!!!
  • Sorry! Not sure how to shrink or centre the photos! :grumble:
  • I also want to know what macro percentages people have successfully used for FAT loss (oppossed to weight loss). I have lost all the weight I want and now want some definition!!
    in Macros Comment by ljbhill January 2012
  • Can I ask what you set your macro's at? Thanks!
  • Which percentages is it best to set your macro's at? Currently I've had mine set to higher proteins/fats and lower carbs. This has worked for WEIGHT loss. I've maintained for about 4 months but now I want more definition. What combo works best for FAT loss? Thanks!
  • You would have walked at a different pace which would have burned more or the same calories. It's hard to work it out (pace vs time and distance) without a HRM. I used to always understimate rather than over estimate and now I have my HRM so there's no more guesswork =)
  • I think that we can get a little obsessed with food but that is the nature of society! I'm trying to focus more on the TYPES of food that I eat. I want to eat delicious healthy food that makes my body happy. Not unhealthy food that makes me feel sick!
  • I look at it this way... If I had fallen pregnant BEFORE losing all the weight then I would have been looking at putting on another 10kg on my already overweight body! Now that I have LOST the extra weight, even when pregnant I will still weigh LESS :happy:
  • Yeah... at first it was difficult. I found that cutting rice/potatoes and pasta most days helped to keep the calorie count lower. It is really easy to eat a high amount of calories with only a little rice or pasta. I prefered to eat massive salads or roast veg with protein. Also, you retrain your body to eat smaller…
  • Nothing really rude just comments. Had the "are you pregnant" comments a number of times and my parents used to always comment on what I ate, "do you really need that peice of bread with dinner", "are you really going to drink another can of coke". Yes!! The more they would comment, the more I wanted to show them that I…
  • Well first off, get the lump checked by a doctor. 2nd. I went off the pill 8 years ago and never regretted it.
  • Well done! I would have had a bite of one, at the very least! Then would have thrown the rest out or given it to my boyfriend (don't you love being able to palm food off to the other half! lol) Super strong will power!!
  • I switch it up with baked veg, various salads, steam veg. I pair them with pork chops, steak, roasts (beef lamb, pork, chicken), stuffed capsicums/tomatoes/ mushrooms/ sweet potato, mexican mince, vegetarian ricotta back with no pasta (pumpkin sheets instead), rissoles, tomato meatballs, omlettes and home made pizza.…
  • I was the same as you. I had a few weeks were I binge ate, felt terrible and thought to myself. I'm over this! I decided to give myself a 4 week challange. I aimed to lose 5 kg (11 Ibs) Turned into a year long journey and I lost more than I thought possible =) Number 1. This is not a diet. You can eat whatever you like…
  • Weighed myself today. Lost! YAY! I think the copious amounts of food on Christmas day acted as a zig-zag day or something and kick started my metabolism. I've also cut grains out for the the last few days because I felt so bloated from Christmas!
  • Me too. I've been at 1200 calroies for AAAAGES and only just upped them to 1300 to see if eating more would put weight lost back on. It didn't! In fact, have lost a little more. My trick lately has been to cut all grains out and eat more fat! Sounds crazy but I feel less bloated and fill up my calories. Every few days I…
  • I live in Australia where everyone is tanned and bronzed. I love the sun and tan myself (I know, I know. Bad girl! But I love it!) I've also had my share of fake tan in the past but it doesn't cut it. Go real pale not fake tan (inless you're willing to mix the fake with a little real... and take the wrinkles. freckles and…
  • ^^ THIS! While it's hard to cut them out ALL the time, you could aim for 80% of the time. It also removes the cravings! I just read all about Paleo and Primal and it's pretty interesting. After doing just a day or two of Paleo, I feel less bloated and my jeans are less tight. This doesn't mean I've lost weight, just am…
  • They are pretty processed and full of sodium. Sausages and salami are quite calorie dense and usually contain hidden carbs.That being said, doesn't mean you can't enjoy them now and then but I wouldn't make them a staple. That's just my opinion :smile: If you want nutritional bang for your buck and convenience I'd (and do)…
  • Thanks guys! Not meant to be a long term thing. Just wanted to get rid of this bloating from all my work partes and to leave myself wriggle room for all the Christmas festivties to come! I'm also heading to Vietnam and Camobdia early January and don't want to count calories or feel like a bloated frump in my bikini! But I…
  • Just knuckle down for the days before Chrissy (it's only a day or so away!) and enjoy yourself Christmas day. You're not going to put all your weight back on from one day of bad eating! Oh and congrats on your weight loss thus far. After Chrissy knuckle back down again. Once a week give yourself a cheat meal and once a day…
  • Oh and ps. I find milk the hardest to wrap my head around and choose! Milk is high in sugar which I really want to cut down on. It's my highest sugar item usually! Almond milk that I can find is also full of sugar. Soy is low in sugar but apparently way too processed (paleo diet). ARGH! I'm thinking of switching it up…
  • Were you seeing her for weight loss? I've lost all of my weight from watching my carb and sugar intake (let's face it, carbs turn into a form of sugar anyway). Check out the doco 'Fat Head' and google issues with the food pyramid. When I'm super strict and cut wheat and grains out for a couple of days my bloating…
  • OMG! Missing out! Mash, add lemon, some chilli flakes, garlic and lemon juice and you have an AWESOME dip. To be a little more naughty you can also add a teaspoon of mayo and natural yoghurt. Eat with wafer crackers, rice cakes, carrot sticks or bread! YUM! Also awesome at breaky. Spread on toast with some sliced tomato,…
  • You can add it to oats and milk for pancakes too. I mix it with yoghurt and use it as a topping for museli or fruit (I use vanilla). Banana, cinnamon, youghurt , agave/honey and soy/cow milk is nice too.
  • Oh... and cheese. Wine and cheese.
  • WINE!!!! One glass leads to two and then I don't even care about my calorie allowance. It usually leads to a binge of eating as well!