tamr818 Member


  • Thanks! I'll give it a try! Happy Hallween!
  • Its been very hard for me to stick with it too. I keep 'starting over', all we can do is keep trying. One day at a time. Watch food choices and intake and exercise. This website has really helped having everything laid out in front of me. Its a struggle at first but once you're used to it stick with it, make it a lifestyle…
  • I use Splenda but have considered using Truvia.. I'll have to give it a try! Thanks.
    in TRUVIA Comment by tamr818 January 2011
  • I usually jog on the treadmill between 4.5 - 5.0 as well with a heart rate about 160. So for me that sounds normal, I may try to pick up the pace after awhile but I feel Im already pushing myself at this rate.
    in Joggers! Comment by tamr818 January 2011
  • My opinion is you don't lose anymore so I wouldnt waste the money.. As long as you count calories & exercise or you can count weight watcher points without joining.. same result.