Fallen WAY off track!! HELP!!!

oubeth1 Posts: 34
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so it has been a rough road for me all my life with weight, eating healthy and exercise. But, I just can't seem to stick with something and stay on it. I try all kinds of things and can't seem to figure it out. I lost like 30lbs last year over a 5 month period and was working out and eating well. Then something happened and i gained it all back within like 3 months. So, I am trying to get myself back on track with everything.

Anyone have suggestions of new ideas for me to use/try?


  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    YOu can do it!! We are all here for the same reason! If you need support add me as a freind and you can help me while I help you!
  • Believe me many of us here know exactly what you mean! I have found that for me keeping it interesting with new recipes is key....there are many sites to find good healthy foods, I am not on a diet I am just eating healthier and I am so much more satisfied than I ever was eating junk (and fuller) I don't feel deprived on anything at all.
    For example last night I knew my daughter (4) would have a bunch of Valentine candy from school and chocolate is my weakness so I made cottage cheese pudding for myself... great protein very view carbs or calories and it was great!! (FYI I hate cottage cheese)You have to find what works for you and lean on US when you need to we all have bad days! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Welcome back to the journey!!! Sounds like what you did last year worked....ultimately it's dedicated hard work over time....you've taken the first step!!
  • I have also been on and off the wagon so many times... and you know what I'm finding is different this time than all of the others? I'm surrounding myself with people that are supportive... EVERYONE around me knows what I'm doing so I am being held accountable by so many others. I post my progress on facebook for all of my friends and relatives to see. I sent you a request, I'll try to help hold you accountable too. We can do this together :)
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    just start over....today :)

    stay on this site and log everything

    stay under your calorie goal and eat any exercise calories

    make lots of supportive friends here

    make a goal sheet with a "reward" for each ten pounds lost...like a massage, or new outfit
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    First off, congrats on losing 30 lbs last year and for asking for help now. Both things are tough to do. Now, that being said, I'm going to be straight with you and I really hope I don't come off like a jerk because I'm not trying to be one.

    You said "something happened and I gained it all back within 3 months." Guess what happened? You quit exercising and eating well. There is no mystery and no secret. If you want to lose weight and be healthy for the long term, you can't "diet." You have to change your lifestyle and keep it there.

    The best thing I can tell you is find some exercise you enjoy (or, at least, something you don't totally hate) and just go do it. Make a committment to yourself. Find a support system among your friends, family and the people here at MFP. Hold yourself accountable. And - most important - believe that YOU can do it.

    We all have bad days and we all fall off the wagon occasionally. Don't beat yourself up about it and just get back to it the next day!! You CAN do this!! Good luck reaching all your goals!
  • This site has worked really well for me so far... It's not a diet, it's a healthy eating plan, that I plan to keep using to make sure I don't ever sneak back up.

    Don't punish yourself if you go off track once or twice, just pick yourself back up and get back on - if you punish yourself you will find that you will stay off track for longer, and so begins the circle.

    Also, allow yourself breaks - Your body needs to adjust to the calorie deficit, so allow yourself a few maintenance days where you can eat more calories... Yes, it will take longer to lose your weight in the long run, but hey, this isn't a race.

    That's all I have to offer, cos that's how I', doing this - taking it easy and enjoying what I eat along the way... :o)

    Good luck
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    was it because you were depressed? I used to be a emotional eater, mainly when I was stressed which I still am. It's just first you need to know why you keep falling off the wagon. When I finally realized that I was an emotional eater I would stop myself from reaching for those chocolates. I would instead go out for a walk. Draw a little, or put relaxant music and close my eyes. The mind is a powerful thing and you CAN lose the weight =D It's all about taking baby steps. It's slow and irritating at times but it'll be worth it in the long run.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey there, I can relate totally. I've battled my weight most of my life, starting in my early 20's and I'm now 45. My weight has been like a yo yo up and down. I know how to lose weight when I choose too lol but after I've lost my desired amount, I seem to go right back to my old eating habits so diet and exercise is going to have to be a way of life for me here on out. For me, drinking my 8 glasses of water a day, exercising at least 30 mins, and watching what I eat and writing it down on here is such a big help. I'm currently doing a 30 day challenge on here and I think it also helps to surround yourself with people that support you or have a support system on here. I just joined on here over a week ago and am already seeing some results. Add me if you like and we can help motivate one another:) Have a great day!!
  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS! Your dreams can move any mountain in your life if you believe in yourself. We are all here for you.
  • I have to say.
    It takes everything I have EVERYDAY to keep dieting. I HATE dieting. I love me some comfort food.
    I wish I had advice for you, but I think eventually something that works for you will come along.
    I have lost 23 pounds and seem to be suck big time, I work out and eat healthy. But my body is
    STUCK and it's driving me nuts. I seriously just want to eat for ONE day, but my luck I would gain
    back that 23 in one day haha.

    I know how you feel, I have the same problem

  • Then something happened and i gained it all back within like 3 months.

    What was the something? You don’t have to tell us, but You have to know the answer to that question. And you have to be okay with living in the truth of it. What was the something that made it okay for you to abandon all your hard work and return to your previous weight? What made you afraid? Whatever that thing is, it hasn’t gone away. And as long as it’s there, your pattern is going to repeat. Because no matter how many people we have encouraging us on this journey, in the end, we only have ourselves, our inner dialogue, and our own *kitten* to deal with. If we can’t get real about the things we are telling ourselves that keep us fat and unhealthy, we cannot hear the voice that will help us move toward permanent health.
  • Awesome quote from Von Goethe, thank you!
  • tamr818
    tamr818 Posts: 5 Member
    Its been very hard for me to stick with it too. I keep 'starting over', all we can do is keep trying. One day at a time. Watch food choices and intake and exercise. This website has really helped having everything laid out in front of me. Its a struggle at first but once you're used to it stick with it, make it a lifestyle change. Try new health foods & exercises so it doesnt get boring. Hang in there & Good luck :)
  • Sometimes it's really overwhelming when you think about the whole goal of losing weight, eating healthy, exercising and staying on track every single day. The big goal is just too big! So, try to take a few mini-steps each day toward each of those larger goals. Make yourself a list of mini-goals to follow each day and stick to those. Then the next day, three new goals, while trying to keep the goals from the day before, too. Sooner than you know it, you'll be achieving some of those big goals. Here's an example: Mini-goals for Tuesday: 1) Drink 8 oz of water before each meal, 2) go up 2 flights of stairs, 3) eat 5 servings of veggies today. Mni-goals for Wednesday: 1) Keep all of Tuesday's mini-goals, 2) Walk for 15 minutes twice today, 3) Stay under 400 calories for lunch. And so on... If you do this, by the end of the week make yourself a list of all the GREAT things you did this week towards making yourself a healthier human being. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying, even if you slip up a bit. Start all over next week! Good luck! We're all rooting for you!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Definatly requires a change in your mindset. You can't look at it as if you are on a diet. You need to change the way you look at food. Logging my food has been so helpful. I see exactly what I'm doing. If there is a treat I want every now or then I can have it, just have to either cut back elsewhere or exercise more. You can do it! Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can support eachother!
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    i've been there! weight has been an issue for me since i was a little kid. it takes a long time to adopt a healthy relationship with food and exercise and body image but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! this is the best place for that journey!
    my biggest advice is: baby steps. start by logging into mfp every day and logging what you eat.
    also, don't expect/desire dramatic/instant results. this only sets you up for disappointment and another fall from the wagon. if you take it one step at a time, one day at a time, you'll be able to maintain your achievements for longer periods of time - which is what we want, right? to be fit and healthy for the rest of our lives!
    good luck! you can do it! we're all here for you!! :bigsmile:
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    you sound just like me here are a few thing I have done I changed my food diary to 3 meals and 3 snacks 1 snack is a pre portioned calorie controlled "Naughty" like chocolate, cake, sweets, biscuits etc so i don't over eat or binge on those sorts of foods I also find eating every 2 -3 hours has increased my metabolism and I don't seem to get hungry I exercise for 20 mins morning and night 5 days a week and my 2 "rest" days i go for a walk I drink a lot of water cos sometimes I find that hungry feeling is in fact just thirst. I don't have cheat days cos I will just blow the whole weeks work away and I weigh on a tuesday so I don't think well I've weighed I will have sat off and then have all week to work it off It doesn't work for me. make sure you eat a net 1200 cals x
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I see you joined a while back so I think the first step would be to make logging your food and exercise a mandatory part of your day. When I get up in the mornings the first thing I do is check my email and facebook. So I have a bookmark for MFP and I enter everything I know I am going to be eating that day so I have an idea of what calories I have left at the end of the day in case something comes up. Ironically, I haven't had anything come up that I choose to "spend" my extra calories on during the day. To me it's like a budget... Here's what I have to spend on "bills" (meals planned for the day) and here is my "extra spending money" (snacks). Then I decide if what I am tempted with is worth the calories or not and choose a snack based on what each one is "worth" to me.

    Now, with that said, perhaps you stick to the diet too strict and aren't having any fun or comfort foods for you and so when you get off track it's too easy to stay off track because it tastes so much better. So the thing you love the most... chocolate, pizza, chips... whatever... find one day a week that you budget it into your calories. In a small serving size so that you don't begin craving it.

    Second, make sure when you are losing that you aren't dieting... just change your eating habits for a lifetime. That way there is no diet roller coaster ... just a new plan that sometimes lets you eat something that isn't as healthy from time to time but for the most part you make healthy choices.

    Journal your thoughts and emotions and hunger issues... by this I mean write it down so you can tell when you are feeling like binging, etc... is it an emotional problem or are you actually eating something that is causing you to feel hungry again right away? So you can find out what your triggers are. For instance sugar makes me very hungry right away after I eat it... I basically have cut it out of my diet as far as processed sugars (fruit sugars don't make me feel that way)... but if I were going to eat something with sugar I would make sure the rest of the day and the times I would be eating my healthy meals were built around the time of the sugar so I wouldn't binge on something else filled with sugar.

    The best thing that helped me... is my husband becoming my partner in our lifestyle change. We are both so much happier and we've only been doing this since Jan 1. But I can't imagine going back to our old ways, we've experimented and found many things we like to substitute a healthy choice for the ones we used to crave.

    And if you don't have someone close to you to be your buddy on this journey then find someone on MFP that is willing to be a daily motivation to you. I would try to do that for you if you need me to, but I get really busy with my kids sports and might not always be available right on time.. but I would try :) I know it's important to have that emotional support.

    Hope this helps. And best of luck... :)
  • censu67
    censu67 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I certainly don't have all the answers, maybe not even many haha, but I recently read Jackie Warners book, "This is why you are fat and how to get thin forever". It's a great read and really breaks down things like addiction to sugar, caffeine, bread etc. It has meal plans, exercises with pictures. It's a complete book in every sense. I highly recommend it.

    Last week I broke my sugar addiction and about 4-5 days later my evening cravings disappeared. Now everything tastes sweeter, go figure.

    One other thing that also helps me is how I word things to myself. Instead of saying, oh I don't feel like working out today, I'll do it tomorrow and then make all sorts of promises to do it tomorrow, and you know generally it doesn't happen. I change the words to "I'll work out today in case I don't want to tomorrow". It's a nice little head game I play with myself.

    Bottom line, keep moving forward, any momentum is better than none!
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