I HATE greek yogurt. I've tried many different brands and flavors but the smell bothers me no matter what and the taste....awful. Makes me want to yack, but some people really love it. Guess it depends on the person. I will stick to regular light yogurt.
South Bay Here! Anyone feel free to add me!
Congrats! You look great and so much younger! 25 is deff something to be proud of!
I had never watched the show before and was shocked! I guess I didn't pay attention to the credits at the end!
Invite me please!
I can eat 1,700 calories before exercise. However I generally work out at least 1.5 hours daily. I'm worried about starvation mode. Most days I have a hard time eating 1,200 calories and I feel this has led to my slow metabolism.
Do you have any advice on what brand would be a good investment, or do they all work the same? I have never used one before!
Thanks so much! Its so popular I'm shocked its not in there!!
Right here girl, I'm in the same boat as you!! I know how you feel about weight watchers! EVERYONE in my meetings had like 29 pts where I had 40! I've got 113lbs to lose on top of the 13 I have already dropped!! I would really like to reach my goal by Dec. 31, 2012. We can do this together, I will be here every step of the…
Being 100 pounds overweight is a ticking time bomb. Its not a question if your health will decline, it will. Its only a matter of time and I'm speaking from experience! We are the same age, and I already have gallstones from being overweight! You have a small son, when you feel discouraged think of all the moments in his…
Any tips for the food would be AMAZING! And I do have a meeting with my PCP this week and a specialist to discuss the removal and long term goals. So far I haven't had another flare up, but I've been sticking to a No fat-low fat diet, no eating out, and lots of exercise.
Thanks everyone for all your stories! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who has they as they do not run in my family. I'm trying to get through this and make a complete lifestyle change. Hopefully I can go a year without a flare-up and have the op next December possibly January. I am going to have the op but I really…
I totally get where you are coming from! I have had all the same problems. Through high school i played so many sports and was really thin but after it was like AHHHHH where is all this weight coming from!! My body couldn't keep u with how much I ate without the 5 hour workouts :( Then I started a serious relationship and…