sashaverlene Member


  • After a while, I just got used to it. I haaaaaated water... I'd add sugar and lemon to mine because it was so disgusting drinking it plain... but when I started MFP and read comments that said water with lemonade or juice powders didn't count, I just got over it and started drinking it plain. I drank 4 bottles of water a…
    in Water? Comment by sashaverlene May 2011
  • It depends on how many times you consume a "little amount" of calories. It adds up! Sugar Free Jello cups are 10 calories each. I can easily eat 5 of them throughout the day, but that's 50 calories that it sums up to! I'd say logging it all just helps you to stay on top of everything. :)
  • EEEEEEEVERYDAY! hahaha I have seen my weight go up and down a little due to retaining water, but now I drink 64-100oz of water everyday, so that's not a problem anymore! :) It actually helps me because if my weight goes up or down on certain days, I'll know what foods do and don't work for me! :)
  • HAHAHAHA Did I see someone post Jennifer Aniston? lol I'd have a whole entire thing of Stouffer's Vegetable Lasagna. I LOVE that stuff! yumalumalum!
  • My scale hates me! lol I'm not kidding when I tell you that I weighed myself 14 times this morning! Yesterday morning, I weighed in at 175.6. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it said 174.6. (I was like yayyyyy) A whole POUND in one day and I didn't even go to the gym AND I only drank about 32oz of water instead of…
  • Smoothies are THE best when I need calories but don't want to go over on sodium. Straw-nana is my fave! I use one Dole banana, Strawberry Light Activia (It's really good and adds sweetness to the smoothie instead of adding sugar), and some fresh strawberries and ice. The whole thing is about 250 calories and 65mg of…
  • You guys should also see "Fat Head"! It's a guy that proves you can lose weight while eating fast food. I wouldn't do it myself, but he made some really good points there.
  • It DOES look good!!! hahaha or maybe I'm just hungry! :p
  • Fiiiiiinally! There's a Subway right next to my gym and I've been avoiding it because of the sodium levels!
  • Well, I don't think you have to give up being or having fun. I mean, when you're more healthy, you feel like going out more. But it doesn't always have to be going to dinner. Since you'll be at a healthier weight, you won't have weight limitations for bungee jumping, sky diving, or anything awesome that has a weight…
  • Well, I don't think you have to give up being or having fun. I mean, when you're more healthy, you feel like going out more. But it doesn't always have to be going to dinner. Since you'll be at a healthier weight, you won't have weight limitations for bungee jumping, sky diving, or anything awesome that has a weight…
  • Other than working out, I walk my dog and dance a little. Is that still sedentary, or the one after it?
  • Oh, right I didn't specify. When I go to the gym (3-5 days a week) I do the elliptical for an hour to burn from 500-625 cals then do treadmill or spinning to burn the extra 100-200. I walk to and from the gym. I walk my puppy for 30-60 minutes, and I dance in my room when I listen to my iPod, so my activity level is set to…
  • My BMR is 1600... my TDEE is 2480. So I should eat 1600 calories? This confused me! lol
  • Well, I've always had those family members that said "Ohh you're losing weight! You look good!" even when I had obviously gained like 5 or 10 pounds, so when they say it NOW, since I have actually lost alot of weight, I wonder if they really mean it or if it's still just a part of the routine. When friends and their…
  • Yep! Your body won't need to hold the water because you're drinking enough to stay hydrated!
  • Overall, I'd say to watch the sodium from now on! If you don't drink enough water, then yes, you will retain water. I usually see about a one-pound difference on the scale the next day, but it's gone after I drink about 8-10 glasses of water. Hope this helps!
  • What's your goal?
  • That's part of the reason why I want to shock them. I was 209 and went up to 217 and when they saw me, they were like "Oooo, you lost weight, huh?" and I'm like yeahhh they're totally just saying that to make me feel better about myself, when in fact it was making me feel worse! This time, I actually that "weight loss"…
  • I thought about that too! I even saw a whole thread of people asking what happens AFTER they reach their goal weight and don't need MFP anymore. Honestly, I'm going to use MFP to maintain my weight. I'll probably log on a read/ reply to threads, messages, and things like that, but I'll keep doing all the calorie counting…
  • FANTASTICO! And right in time for bikini season! :happy: Keep it up!
  • You're SO right! Another thing that I truly love about it is that it's not a gimmick, it's not a diet pill, it's not anything that promises something extremely outrageous! It's realistic and encourages people to lose weight the right way! I also agree that the support here is amazing!!!
  • :happy: THANKS Jess!!!
  • Well, I started at 217. My family didn't start noticing until I hit the low 190's! I didn't notice until mid 180's when I looked at my before and after pics! (I take pics after every 10 pound loss.)
  • I'm referring everyone to MFP who I know is concerned with their weight. I'm also teaching family and friends about serving sizes and how to look out for certain bad ingredients other than what's in the nutrition facts. I watch The Biggest Loser and paying it forward is something that takes place on the show all the time!…
  • :O he shouldn't tell everyone... someone will be dumb enough to steal his good idea, try to follow him, and end up leading ALL the zombies to him because the person doesn't know how to cover their tracks! .... not that I believe in zombies or anything.
  • Well, it might be kind of hard because MFP doesn't tell you how many calories are in human flesh! lol but that WOULD be awesome!
  • 12 weeks huh? With MyFitnessPal, you can lose about 24 pounds in that amount of time... With your height, your normal weight range to give you a healthy BMI level is 125.3 to 169.3... losing 24 pounds would put you in a healthy weight range PLUS with diet and exercise, you'd be doing it the RIGHT way, which is the SAFE…
  • Absolutely amazing! Congrats!!! :)
  • It depends. If I hear his voice before I see him, then the first thing I notice is his vernacular. Nothing is more unappealing than "tawkin lie dis"! Otherwise, it's his smile! :)