

  • Weigh yourself 5 times over a 5 minute period. If the readings are not all with 0.2 pounds, return the scale as it is worthless. If the readings are all within 0.2 pounds, then try to find an industrial scale that is calibrated to NIST regularly (UPS store, doctors office, shipping department at work) and compare what your…
  • They are like graffiti on the Mona Lisa, IMHO
  • I had mine removed a couple of years ago. I went in on a Friday morning, spent about an hour in surgery and about 2 hours in recovery and then got sent home. Since they wouldn't let me eat the day before surgery, I was starved and I made my wife stop on the way home so that I could get some lunch. I remember having a bit…
  • Been there, done that! It gets better, believe me. Commit to a healthier lifestyle for a least one week. During that week try this. 1. Eliminate fried foods 2. Reduce those fatty sugary snacks as much as possible 3. Snack on fruits and nuts 4. Eat all your calories! I have only been at this for a little over a month, but…
  • So to sum up this useless topic, a kg of muscle at the equator will weigh less than a kg of fat at the North Pole.
  • Since this is a completely useless thread anyways, let me interject that the gram (or kilogram) is not a unit of weight. It is a unit of mass. The proper metric unit of weight (force) is the Newton. BTW, the Imperial unit of mass is the slug. See, I can be even more pedantic than just about anyone!
  • I have experienced this as well and always right around 3 PM. Two things have helped me. First, I keep some nuts and grapefruit at my desk and eat a snack when I start to feel tired. Second, on days that I eat a lunch with lots of fiber (whole grain bread, brown rice) I this does not happen nearly as much.
  • My first short term goal was to weigh less than what my driver's license said that I weighed (renewed 3 years ago and of course I was optimistic when I stated my weight). I have already achieved this. My next goal is to get down below the weight limit for sky diving before the season ends this year.
  • I am 51 years old and just starting this as well and I can tell you that if you follow the plan, the weight will come off, but not in any sort of linear fashion. I weigh myself almost every morning (even though I haven't been logging my weight every day) at the same time before I eat and I have seen as much as 5 pounds…
  • I had read similar study a couple of days ago that came to the conclusion that people that were 10 to 15 pounds "overweight" based on the latest classifications of BMI had a lower mortality rate than than those that were in the "normal" classification. Those that were "moderately obese" had nearly the same mortality rate…
  • I agree. This little math exercise also helps me wrap my head around the dicotomy that I can point to a host of evidence that suggests that I tend to be a very self-disciplined driven person, but the ample evidence in the mirror says that I am self-indulgent and lazy. BTW, I love your profile picture and it motivated me to…
  • Three Reasons not in any particular order: 1. I am an adventurer (my recent adventures include riding my motorcycle 6000 miles to Alaska clear to the Arctic Ocean and back and spending 3 weeks in the Amazon Jungle many days away from anything remotely like civilization). My age and weight are conspiring to limit my future…