graciewoo1706 Member


  • Hi, I'm starting Insanity today, I'll do the fit test when I finish lessons tonight. I'm more worried about the diet than anything else. Are you all sticking to the meal plan ? I'm a student and don't have much money, I'm scared it'll cost too much to stick to it completely. Do any of you know anywhere I could get similar…
  • Weight watchers books ? Sounds good I'll have a look now ! I've never been this fat in my life Leanne ! Really need to do something about it now ! I bet you haven't ! You're a skinny minny ! :P x I've been doing 30 day shred but i'll do it 3 days in a row and then stop, I have no will power what so ever !! xx
  • Hi, I've only just started again and would love someone to chat to !