

  • Funny you should say crap. Because alot comes out of you from this cleanse. I never knew there could be so much crap in my system, because I thought my body was getting rid of it all? :laugh:
  • So how are those doses of haterade going down today? Is there a calorie count to track? This is ridiculous. The cleanse, generally speaking, is no different than people using ACE, or SlimQuick, or whatever fad appetite suppresant is out right now. You still intake calories, up to and sometimes over 900 calories a day while…
  • I walk. Alot. It was really hard finding the time during the day before with 3 kids at home. So now, I take them with; they ride their bikes and I walk and it's family time. I've been hitting a minimum of 2 miles a day, up to 7 recently. We live in the country on a dead end road, so it's not hard to get out and walk. I'm…
  • I did my full body measurements (instead of just my waist) for the first time since 4/28. I'm a total of 10.5 inches down, and that's why I'm happy today. To see the obvious change, to know what I've been doing (and yes,. some days, not been doing) has had an effect. :flowerforyou:
  • Amazing! You look awesome! Congratulations on all the hard work paying off :) I need some motivation and you definitely helped!
  • Squats. Tighten your thighs as you come back up. You'll start feeling it almost immediately. And it will help wihth your thighs and bum. But there is no exact exercise to help the knees. My friend and I started doing 5 squats increments everytime we went to the bathroom. 5 the first time, add 5 the next, and so on. Easy…