muttervonangel Member


  • i also had terrible side effects. i only lost 10 lbs to begin with and never lost another pound in about 5 months. but more importantly, i felt speedy for the first few weeks then after that, i could literally lay down and take a nap after i took it. the worst was the paranoia- i was psychotically paranoid the entire time…
  • i love everyones advice and i can definitely handle all the "quit making excuses" i just wish I could explain how I do not feel i am making excuses at all. i become very overwhelmed by being so spontaneous. planning is something i need to try, ive never planned my days meals. i do want this badly, and at the same time i…
  • omg if i ate like that, id be like 900 lbs. your body is probably so excited for the fresh foods!! thats such an inspiration to me as i'm just getting back on track after a couple years of eating whatever also. :) im new too so you can add me if you want to.
  • thats great! yeah it says like 1490 or something. which would be fine if i ate like a normal human being. but im stuck at home and im a nibbler on top of my meals. ive reached all my calories for the day and i havent had dinner yet. which is usually my biggest meal. my biggest problem is seeing myself failing and giving…
  • wow thanks for the advice everyone! i will add those friends that said i was welcome to :) this is DEFINITELY an eye opener. I had always done weight watchers and even lost 120 lbs in 2008-2009. but ive gained 40 back and its been more and more rapid gaining, now i know why! im eating like two days worth of calories in one…