1st day, need help!



  • muttervonangel
    muttervonangel Posts: 8 Member
    wow thanks for the advice everyone! i will add those friends that said i was welcome to :) this is DEFINITELY an eye opener. I had always done weight watchers and even lost 120 lbs in 2008-2009. but ive gained 40 back and its been more and more rapid gaining, now i know why! im eating like two days worth of calories in one day! good gracious!!!!!!
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    If you use the calories intake that is suggested by MFP, I found that is was way too low for me. It suggested 1400 calories a day for me. No way can I live on that right now. I bumped it up to 1700 and have had great results. I do plan on lowering the caloric intake soon, but this is only my second week, so I am still adjusting. I decided that if I was starving all the time, I would not stick to it! I have been using the MFP for almost 2 weeks and have lost 4.5 pounds!! Yeah me!!
  • muttervonangel
    muttervonangel Posts: 8 Member
    thats great! yeah it says like 1490 or something. which would be fine if i ate like a normal human being. but im stuck at home and im a nibbler on top of my meals. ive reached all my calories for the day and i havent had dinner yet. which is usually my biggest meal. my biggest problem is seeing myself failing and giving up. i cant give up, i cant be like this anymore.
  • 2pupsmama
    I have 80-100 lbs to reach my goal weight. I'm set at 1590 to lose slowwwwly. Add me if you wish. I'm here almost every day and will be here for the long haul. That goes for anyone else trying to lose and keep it off as well.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    The first step of you improving your habits is to assess what you're currently doing, I think. I would say eat somewhat normally for a few days, while logging, and that'll give you a good idea of where you are now. Or gradually cut back your calories - don't make yourself miserable right away, or it'll be extra hard to stick with it. If you think you'll succeed better by cutting back in stages - maybe the weight loss is slower, but slower is better than failing, right?

    And don't be afraid of a few bad days here and there. It's the constant overeating every day that got you here, not the occasional splurge. Move on and make the next day a better day :) Good luck!
  • georgie304
    Wondering how you ended up. Hope you were able to stay within reason and NOT beat yourself up!