

  • I eat at a deficit. With my activity level I should be eating around 2000 calories a day, but I limit myself to 1300 or 1400. I haven't seen any downward movement on the scale in months, it just stays the same. It's hard to stay motivated to keep trying when nothing is working.
  • There's no medical reason behind this, I've just known some people to do it either by choice or necessity, and it's worked as a good kick-start for them. I haven't been doing what I should for my diet as much lately, so I'd like to get myself started and really motivated again.
  • Whenever I try eating more salads in order to eat healthier I get bored eventually. Maybe I don't know how to get variety in the flavors in the salad, but eventually they just start tasting the same to me. There is variety for pizza, which helps, plus I don't always eat pizza at work. We do sell other things, they just…
  • Ditto. I lose really slowly, so as long as I'm not starving myself or feeling any negative effects, I stick with my calorie goal and don't eat any of my exercise calories. I don't even track my exercise on here anymore just to keep from confusing my extra calories with what I usually allow myself a day.
  • Cauliflower pizza crust is a great idea! I've seen some ideas for using cauliflower for things like substitute wings on Pinterest before, and I am a huge fan of it. I will have to remember that next time we make pizza at home!
  • Thanks for the info. The people I know have only done this for one or two weeks at a time, I don't think I've known anyone to try it for a longer term.
  • Bringing my own food would work, but I still feel at a bit of a loss as to what to eat. When I think of cutting down on carbs all I usually can think of is salad, and I've been making some really good salads lately at home, but I know I get bored of them really easily. The chicken/rice bowl I mentioned in my first post is…
  • I've always had trouble losing weight, and I think a little bit of a kick-start when getting back on track would just help motivate me, show me that I really can lose and then I will have an easier time motivating myself to keep going.
  • At most when calculating my calorie needs I usually use light exercise. The longest I work out for is an hour, and when I'm not exercising I'm usually on my butt since I have a sit-down job and am a student. I always feel hesitant to go higher then that. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.
  • I've been feeling the same way lately. I work out heavier early in the week, and lightly over the weekend (based on time I have outside of work), but nothing too heavy. Is there some way to figure out more accurately then MFP does how many calories per day I should be eating? I've been relying on what this site says since…
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