Cutting out Carbs

I've known a few people who have cut carbs out of their diet for a few weeks and have lost a bunch of weight, and I'm really interested in trying it for a few weeks as a bit of a kick-start to get myself back into my diet. My biggest problem with this, though, is my job. I work 4 nights a week at a pizza place, and eat dinner there each of those nights (I work 10+ hour shifts each night). Our menu is almost all pizza or fried food or sandwiches, which isn't going to help me with not eating carbs.

The only option I can come up with is to just eat salads when I'm working, but I worry that I'm going to get sick of them really fast and won't be able to keep up with it. The other option I've considered is, because we also deliver for a Mexican restaurant, I have ordered a shredded chicken/Spanish rice dish before that would work, but it's not very filling and I wouldn't know what to get with it. Can anyone give me some suggestions for how I can eat without carbs while working at this restaurant? Or at least how I can cut way, way, way down on the carbs I do eat at work?


  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    You need carbs. These people you know may have lost a bunch of weight, but they are going to gain a bunch of weight once they go back to their old eating habits.

    Perhaps think about limiting your carb intake rather than elimination. How's about combining that salad with half the amount of pizza you'd normally have?

    What's the rush anyway?
  • Jayme2787
    Jayme2787 Posts: 12
    You need carbs. These people you know may have lost a bunch of weight, but they are going to gain a bunch of weight once they go back to their old eating habits.

    Perhaps think about limiting your carb intake rather than elimination. How's about combining that salad with half the amount of pizza you'd normally have?

    What's the rush anyway?

    I've always had trouble losing weight, and I think a little bit of a kick-start when getting back on track would just help motivate me, show me that I really can lose and then I will have an easier time motivating myself to keep going.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Before you consider cutting an entire food group (an important one, even), why not give this a try. Read/view the following links, open your diary, weigh your food (on a scale) and you will lose weight.


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    You need carbs. These people you know may have lost a bunch of weight, but they are going to gain a bunch of weight once they go back to their old eating habits.

    Perhaps think about limiting your carb intake rather than elimination. How's about combining that salad with half the amount of pizza you'd normally have?

    What's the rush anyway?

    That's not necessarily true. That's not a carbs problem, that's just an eating problem. Obviously going back to old eating habits is going to make you fat, it's how people get fat in the first place.

    As far as carbs go, yes, you do need them. It has also been shown that cutting out a good portion of carbs can help. I would go Paleo diet or something like that. Perhaps the zone diet.

    If you do cut out carbs completely, you will no doubt loose weight fast. However, you are loosing more muscle than anything else. Your body does need that quick burning energy and if it can't get it from glycogen stores, then it will get it from your muscles. And trust me, you don't want that. It's not worth it in the long run.

    It probably took years for you to put on that weight. It will take time for you to take it back off.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Two words:

  • bentrydr
    bentrydr Posts: 1 Member
    If you really follow the Akins Diet (meaning actually read the book) you will lose weight AND keep it off!! Its low carbs not no carbs. And there is lots to eat at your Pizza Work Place you just have to creative!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Two words:


    :) everyday
  • Two words:


    Yeap ! Better for your body, better for your money.

    Can you ask the cook to cook you different things that are not from the menu but with the ingredient in the restaurant ?
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I don't know how strict you are going to be with your carb intake. For me, I can eat the same daily calories but lose more weight with less carbs. Not no carb!

    You could do things like eating pizza topping, but no crust. Can you pan fry? I would throw some veggies (green pepper, onion, mushrooms, spinach, artichoke hearts depending as long as they aren't packed in oil) in pan with a lean meat, chicken breast or Canadian bacon. Saute and voila, dinner. Even if you don't have access to a pan, throw the same thing in a bowel and it's a salad with the spinach maybe adding other greens if available. .
  • jameswalker121
    jameswalker121 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on a ketogenic diet for a little over a year now,. Lost over 130 lbs in that timeframe strictly less than 25g of carbs a day. You don't "need" carbs at all to survive. Have to look at it as a lifestyle change, and not a "diet."
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Just try eating good carbs instead of bad ones. Buy groceries, plan your meals, make them ahead of time and take them to work with you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You need carbs. These people you know may have lost a bunch of weight, but they are going to gain a bunch of weight once they go What's the rush anyway?

    I've always had trouble losing weight, and I think a little bit of a kick-start when getting back on track would just help motivate me, show me that I really can lose and then I will have an easier time motivating myself to keep going.

    It won't. Study after study has shown that "fast start" diets aren't anymore successful than anything else.
  • fittestpal
    fittestpal Posts: 94 Member
    Yeah if you eat carbs after fasting them your body will suck them up and store them as fat. Just eat normal, minimize carbs, and exercise. You can buy into all the supplements and diet plans you want but in the end it comes down to whether you have a healthy lifestyle or not.
  • Jayme2787
    Jayme2787 Posts: 12
    Two words:


    Bringing my own food would work, but I still feel at a bit of a loss as to what to eat. When I think of cutting down on carbs all I usually can think of is salad, and I've been making some really good salads lately at home, but I know I get bored of them really easily.
    Two words:


    Yeap ! Better for your body, better for your money.

    Can you ask the cook to cook you different things that are not from the menu but with the ingredient in the restaurant ?

    The chicken/rice bowl I mentioned in my first post is something like that. My problems are that (1) I'm not very inventive at coming up with things to eat, and (2) the cook and I don't get along too well, so I don't like imposing on him in the worry that he very well could do something to my food.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The benefit to cutting carbs is very minimal and is really limited to adherence and personal preference. There is little difference between a Low Carb/Keto diet compared to a more traditional 40-30-30 macro spread over long periods.

    You stated that you know people who lost a bunch of weight in a short time period. Well, the reason is because when you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body needs to store less water, so you are just losing water weight, which is temporary because if you start eating your normal level of carbs again, the water weight returns. It isn't actual fat loss (outside of the deficit).

    So if you're looking to lose 5-10lbs for a vacation or to fit in a smaller item of clothing, then this could help. But long term, just find something that you can stick to and you'll be fine.
  • Jayme2787
    Jayme2787 Posts: 12
    The benefit to cutting carbs is very minimal and is really limited to adherence and personal preference. There is little difference between a Low Carb/Keto diet compared to a more traditional 40-30-30 macro spread over long periods.

    You stated that you know people who lost a bunch of weight in a short time period. Well, the reason is because when you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body needs to store less water, so you are just losing water weight, which is temporary because if you start eating your normal level of carbs again, the water weight returns. It isn't actual fat loss (outside of the deficit).

    So if you're looking to lose 5-10lbs for a vacation or to fit in a smaller item of clothing, then this could help. But long term, just find something that you can stick to and you'll be fine.

    Thanks for the info. The people I know have only done this for one or two weeks at a time, I don't think I've known anyone to try it for a longer term.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    The benefit to cutting carbs is very minimal and is really limited to adherence and personal preference. There is little difference between a Low Carb/Keto diet compared to a more traditional 40-30-30 macro spread over long periods.

    You stated that you know people who lost a bunch of weight in a short time period. Well, the reason is because when you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body needs to store less water, so you are just losing water weight, which is temporary because if you start eating your normal level of carbs again, the water weight returns. It isn't actual fat loss (outside of the deficit).

    So if you're looking to lose 5-10lbs for a vacation or to fit in a smaller item of clothing, then this could help. But long term, just find something that you can stick to and you'll be fine.

    Yep its mostly water weight they lose initially. There is nothing magical about going low carb. Nothing really wrong with it either if that is something you want to do. Just dont be surprised when you lose weight fast for it to come back fast when you introduce carbs back into your diet.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Yeah if you eat carbs after fasting them your body will suck them up and store them as fat. Just eat normal, minimize carbs, and exercise. You can buy into all the supplements and diet plans you want but in the end it comes down to whether you have a healthy lifestyle or not.

    YUP exactly what he said ^^^^^^
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Unless you eat only pretty much meat and nothing else there are always carbs.....
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Two words:


    Bringing my own food would work, but I still feel at a bit of a loss as to what to eat. When I think of cutting down on carbs all I usually can think of is salad, and I've been making some really good salads lately at home, but I know I get bored of them really easily.

    Why the carb hate? Do you have a medical condition that prohibits them?