

  • Tyson, Pre-cooked chicken breasts Eggs Raw Alomonds Babybel Light Cheese
  • I don't have any short term goals to switch up the weight/rep/set right now. I change excersises every few weeks, but the trainer thinks that the high rep is best for fat burning while still reshaping the body. I have seen good results thus far with this routine for strength. After a few more months I may re-adjust.
  • The only "free food" I have is salad and I don't really like it or snack on it. It is just the filler in many meals and I don't really care if I eat 1 cup or 3 cups in my calorie count. The other "free food" is water. Everything else even if it is healthy is logged and accounted for. Just how I do it. Good luck.
  • Thanks for the insight. I wish I could find the time for more than three days so I could alternate, but right now I just have too many other commitments. Thanks for the advise and good luck everyone.
  • So if it is good for the skin and rejuvenating the skin will help with loose skin problems? I mainly go to stretch and relax but was just wondering if I was getting any extra benefit?
  • Bodyglide Anti-cafe. It looks like a stick of deodorant and you can get it at a running shoe store for a couple of bucks. It is a petroleum based product kind of like vasloline. I think it works great. Just apply where you may get chafe. In my opinion the the powder products make things worse if you are really working it.
  • One of my favorite quick meals. Two Pre-cooked chicken breasts thawed in microwave (4 minutes) 110 calories each Add Mexican 1/8 cheese to both chicken breasts and throw back in microwave for 1.5 minutes. 90 calories Add Cholula hot sauce to both chicken breasts. Bag of frozen broccoli, cauliflower, carrots with cheese or…