

  • .Please send me one. I greatly appreciate your support.
  • I am joining you. There are about 5 newbies or returning "pals". Is there a way we could just talk among our selves sometime.?? Where on My Fitness Pal can I do this? For some reason I am struggling to understand this web site. The encouragement for emotional eating is a big problem for me.
  • "Say no to sugar" is a group already formed. lisabinco, healthiestsel, generallyme2, and jestiniaya'll want to join too??
  • Being new to this website is there a group already formed for the people interested in the topic ----"sugar"
  • When I say I am a newbie - I tried this several months ago. Then stressful situations esculated as did adding 20 #. I do know sugar is my weakness and my "go to" in order to "think things over". No more wine for me and I quit smoking July 1. So my diet is totally out of wack. I am ready for a new beginning and plan to…
  • I am a newbie. I too want to cut out sugar. When I say sugar I define it as "candies, cookies, cakes, and pies..." So drinking O>J> or fruit is good for me. Sugar is not an asset for me. Sugar is my primary problem.
  • This is where I need to be. If there was a "sugar addict" group I could be a charter member. I too don't have the problems with other stuff in moderation but with sugar I want it all until it's gone - out of the hose. And it's too easy to stop in the dolloar store on the way home from work for cookies and milk for my…
  • tell me more about yourself. how old are you, kids, employed...???'Nita
  • I am new to this site. I am 51 and want to begin to reduce my weight slowly. ;I am planning to take baby steps. In the past the most effective way for me has been baby steps. there are still sweets in the freezer from christmas. I am continuing to either eat it or give it away. And my exercise goal is to walk 5 out of 7…
  • I like your first week challenge. Yesterday I bought a wind suit - pant and jacket and got a small flash light, shoes and socks and a scarf set out to make going for a walk easier. I will be doing that this week too. And a hat and gloves. It's all in a tote to go in my trunk so I will have easy access and all my "walking"…
  • Hey Charlene Just what kind of inspiration do you want?
  • I am mentally preparing for Jan 1. I don'[t want to do this but my clothes are uncomfortable. and I wear scrubs. The only way I know how to do this is to do it with baby steps. Today (1) I walked for 20 minutes.(2) will drink 64 oz water (3)Focus on a health plan that is gradual and effective. I wrote down what I ate to…
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