2014 - the year I quit my sugar addiction!



  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    me too! I am on day 2.

    Headache from hell today
  • I am a newbie. I too want to cut out sugar. When I say sugar I define it as "candies, cookies, cakes, and pies..." So drinking O>J> or fruit is good for me. Sugar is not an asset for me. Sugar is my primary problem.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Threads like this make me a bit sad.
  • When I say I am a newbie - I tried this several months ago. Then stressful situations esculated as did adding 20 #.

    I do know sugar is my weakness and my "go to" in order to "think things over". No more wine for me and I quit smoking July 1. So my diet is totally out of wack.

    I am ready for a new beginning and plan to begin Jan. 1. In the meantime I am eating everything and anything left over from Christmas. :smile:
  • I want to join you.
  • Being new to this website is there a group already formed for the people interested in the topic ----"sugar"
  • Best of luck. Prepare for open mocking from the regulars who will say your fruit is sugar and your wine becomes sugar (or some variation of that). (And then it usually goes from there.)

    But, I get what you're trying to do and wish you luck.

    I cut way way way way way back on added sugars about 12 years ago, and cut way down on carbs that spike insulin. (I check my sauces and convenience foods, I don't eat candy, I don't eat breads with HFCS etc...)

    Best decision I ever made.

    Cheers and enjoy your wine.

    I've been doing something similar for some time now. I do, however, indulge in candy once in a while if I'm craving it. I used to have a major sweet tooth -- like I would put SUGAR on my sugared cereals -- and after I cut out added sugar, stopped adding sugar, and cut waaaay down on sweets I didn't crave it any more. Now I can sweets in the house and not even be tempted to have any.

    I also feel like crap when I have sugary items. Heck, when I go to a bar and order a drink -- be it a margarita, mojito, martini -- I have to request it to be not sweet or unsweetened because I can't stand the taste of sugar.
  • "Say no to sugar" is a group already formed. lisabinco, healthiestsel, generallyme2, and jestinia
    ya'll want to join too??
  • Sherri1210
    Sherri1210 Posts: 6 Member
    Someone told me to think about my body as a fine sports car. I would only put the best fuel in a nice car and sugar is more like slug: not good for a sports car or my body.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    "Say no to sugar" is a group already formed. lisabinco, healthiestsel, generallyme2, and jestinia
    ya'll want to join too??

    add me please
  • I have also resolved to break my sugar addiction this year. As long as it's not around I feel strong. But when I see it...I gotta have it!

    Sugar consumption is only part of my weight management difficulties. There are many things that contribute to my excess weight but I believe if I can break the sugar habit, that will be one giant leap in the right direction.

    I look forward to reading this discussion and finding ways to help me help myself. I also hope that one day I can offer support or advice to those struggling with the same sugar addiction as I. Thanks everyone--
  • I am joining you. There are about 5 newbies or returning "pals". Is there a way we could just talk among our selves sometime.??

    Where on My Fitness Pal can I do this? For some reason I am struggling to understand this web site. The encouragement for emotional eating is a big problem for me.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I am joining you. There are about 5 newbies or returning "pals". Is there a way we could just talk among our selves sometime.??

    Where on My Fitness Pal can I do this? For some reason I am struggling to understand this web site. The encouragement for emotional eating is a big problem for me.

    Click on "groups" at the top of the page (next to "message boards") then enter "say no to sugar" in the search bar. It'll be the first group on the list, this is a group specifically set up by people with the same weakness for the sweet stuff. Then just click "join group".
    Good luck!
  • missmarjushka
    missmarjushka Posts: 29 Member
    i am in
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Ok everyone, I have had enough sugar to last me a life time. I am starting my New Year's goal early, giving up sugar. I plan on continuing to eat fruit and drinking wine. :-)

    This is more of a lifestyle change for me rather than a weight loss tool. Anyone want to join me?

    I started in September, Happy to join you.
    Like someone else mentioned I call it highly refined carbohydrates - Junk food basically, added sugar and stuff made of white flour products as well.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I find it interesting that you consider sugar more problematic than alcohol