ruth0815 Member


  • I'm also broken. I could use someone to talk with. I'd love to hear back. Ruth
  • It's not a magic cure or an easy way out. We’ve all learned that the hard way. I had GBS in '91 and lost, but it all came back plus. I ended up with severe GERD and had a RNY in '07. I got down to 207, but never made it under that 200 goal. My weight held steady between 225 & 232. I felt good about myself. The slightest…
  • I'm 5 years out from my 2nd surgery. My weight held good for 4 years not that I was thin, but I stayed between 225 & 232. I was content. I woke up one morning with awful stomach pain & vomiting. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. They didn't feed me anything but ice chips and small sips of water so I could swallow…
  • My daughter loved breast feeding. She ate healthy and drank tons of water (at least 3-20 oz bottles per day) MyDon't worry about those few pounds enjoy your 1 on 1 special time with your new baby. Treasure every second. You can never get it back, and you'll be amazed how fast the time goes. She loved the eating part, and…