Stronglift 5x5 one month result :P This is me before i started working out: and this is me after one month: When i started i couldn't deadlift at all, now i'm deadlifting and squating 165 in just one and a half months in.
nehagosh- ....
Smart person
Do you see crack in her comment? "Some people drink alcohol still, some still smoke, some eat fast food and some drink pop (soda). "
No body does meth everyday, what are you talking about?
it doesn't bother me :S im just saying that whats the point of working out and eating healthy if you're still gonna die because of a liver disease.
nothing is as bad as alcohol!
People here workout and eat good to have a healthy lifestyle but then they also drink alcohol, How bad is it for your liver doesn't that bother you?
just imagine it.
im 19 and just finished first semester of college..
David Guetta - Just One Last Time ft. Taped Rai
tough guy
That's right... a black underwear and walk around town like this
I would say eat/drink less than the day before everyday, this way you will eventually be able to control your sugar cravings. Don't just stop sugar cuz then you will eventually get frustrated and eat a lot of sugar at the end. And don't drink diet sodas, they have more chemicals than the regular ones which makes it even…
Mon: 45 min Tue: Wed: 45 min Thurs: Fri: 45 min Sat: Sun: DID YOU REACH YOUR GOAL? - Yeah... Total: 135 min
NOTHING is my favorite too sometimes... lol
Why band assisted? And BTW sweating doesn't means you had a good workout :tongue:
Ahh... they are both awesome! Not sure what that is... i hate those, you should try squats!
This ^^^
And Ddon't worry about eating crap. Take a break for a week or two and then start again. Even some strength trainers do it (taking a break from everything). We put a lot of work on our nervous system while training for longer period of time so i think the nervous system deserves a break here and there every once in a…
Holy mother of transformations...
She's saying if she weight trains with a calorie surplus, how would she not bulk up?
This >>>
No you won't get big. Even some guys don't get big that fast so you don't have to worry about getting big.
Then lift :tongue:
Well, there are two ways that you can build muscles. One is that you lift heavy for less reps and the other is you lift light for more reps. When you lift heavy, you actually increase the numbers of muscle fibers and when you lift light for more reps you increase the sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle. Both take a lot of…
Don't drink those protein shakes, eat meat and you won't fart that much...
All the good stuff :tongue: