

  • BMR - 2160 TDEE - 2520 Over the past month I tried to really ramp up my fat loss - Big Fail. I was eating an average of 1350 per day and lost nothing. I am 5 10 and 180, approx 16% bf. During this time my core body temperature dropped to around 96.5% and that is where I am currently. So I am assuming my metabolism is shot…
  • That is great! I too have only been using this for a short time, about 2 weeks. You have been very successful so far! Keep up the good work.
  • When I ready this I wondered if I wrote it a while back and forgot about it. Your post sums up my trigger and my feelings better than I could have. I felt exactly the same. I didn't like what I saw in the mirror but my brain sugar coated it somehow and I didn't look as fat as I was. It was a picture, or a video in my case,…
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