[Men] Can you Post your BMR, TDEE, and Calories per day?



  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    33 y/o, 5'8.5'' , 184 lbs

    BMR: 1852
    TDEE: 2608
    Daily Cals: 2000

    I have tried different calculators online for TDEE and they give me numbers from 2500-2900
  • BMR - 2160
    TDEE - 2520

    Over the past month I tried to really ramp up my fat loss - Big Fail. I was eating an average of 1350 per day and lost nothing.
    I am 5 10 and 180, approx 16% bf. During this time my core body temperature dropped to around 96.5% and that is where I am currently. So I am assuming my metabolism is shot about now. Trying to get the temperature back up by eating more, around 2500/day until it gets up into the 98 range again.

    I am not sure how many I will need to consume then to continue my fat loss. This is a work in process.
  • kitoi
    kitoi Posts: 16 Member
    Age 50, 5'4", 143lb, BMR 1429, TDEE 1965, Daily average cal 900
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    23, 511, 170,
    BMR 1800-1950
    TDEE 2600-2700
    Eating 2800-3000 calz

    Ranges are because 1000 different things give me 1000 different answers - but all somewhere in the range.