

  • Hey! I'll be starting 30DS later today (25-05-13). I've started level 1 about 3 times now but have never stuck with it! Hopefully with the motivation of this thread I can stick to it for the full 30 days :) I plan to check in on here every day after completing the workout so that I'd feel guilty if I didn't do it. Anyone…
  • I read a quote a while back that said "Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen". I love it, makes me imagine that there is a 6-pack waiting for me underneath all this fat, I just need to eat well to see it!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Rachel, 22, from Northumberland in the UK and will be starting 30DS today :) I started doing it on and off about 6 weeks ago when I decided to change my eating habits but didn't stick to it :( I have however managed to stick to healthy eating and I started jogging about 3 weeks ago, but all exercise has…
    in Newbies??? Comment by raccy25 May 2013
  • Hi! I started doing 30DS on and off about 3 weeks ago but had to stop as I had toe surgery on the 9th May. I'm off on holiday on the 8th July (7 weeks exactly) so I'll be starting it again today and hopefully with the motivation of this thread will be sticking to it :bigsmile: SW: 135lbs Height: 5'1"
  • I count water I get myself out of the tap and bottled mineral water as water, but on the "8 glasses a day" tracker I also include any drinks I make myself with water eg. Sugar free squash, tea, coffee etc. but I log the extra calories from the added items in my diary. I wouldn't however count fruit juice or any fizzy…