klkateri Member


  • Feel free to add me... I do Keto and am on everyday
  • Have at it!!
  • Most definitely a hormonal eater but I also know it's coming and just try to reduce damage. I find after the 2 to 3 days of hormonal whatnot, everything tends to even out (From raging hangry for 2 days to not very hungry at all for about 2 to 3). Might try those calcium chews though!!
  • I've been on this WoE so long that everyone was floored at the 4th when I grabbed a beer and split a slice of cake with my hubby. Its hard but the longer you eat a certain way, the less people tend to push it I find. It takes everyone a while to adjust. When I'm with people I don't see often I just say "O thank you but…
  • Spark people, Livestrong and Mayo Clinic all have it at over 700 based on weight and how hard you play. Sounds pretty accurate to me. I've only played once or twice and I was drenched and the most tired after a sport I've ever been lol!!
  • Great Arms!! So So Envious!! Go YOU!!
  • I do Keto, quiet successfully, under the guidance of my doctor and your numbers pretty good except that for Keto you should considering switching your fat and protein numbers. Also, I had the same issue with not losing weight doing straight CICO and my blood work numbers were getting really out of wack (bad blood sugar, my…
  • I swear I saw this on "Tim and Eric, Great Job" several years back.
  • When I worked in retail... I had days where I didn't get much of a workout but on busy days, running around the store, getting clothes, hanging things back up, ringing, bagging... I know I got some king of workout just from being sore at night but i'm sure nothing great.. Same when I worked in a deli (I averaged 12,000+…
  • Havarti cheese cut into sticks with Genoa salami wrapped around it, and a cup of veggie strips with ranch.
  • I LOVE VEGGIES, FRUIT AND BEANS IN ANY WAY I CAN GET THEM INTO MY BODY!! However, they didn't like me. My fasting blood sugar was 101 and my doctor pretty told me keep doing what i'm doing or insulin in 20 years. I went Keto (with my doctors advise and recommendations). I really was the poster child for a fat person who…
  • I suffer from IBS, horribly. (If it's not diarrhea it's constipation... horrific way to be). THAT being said, and under the care of my doctor and a specialist, I have a box of this crap. If my medication isn't working and it's been upwards of 5-7 days with nothing happening, then yes. I have a cup or two. It's, IMO, gross…
  • I've always been hit or miss with breakfast but most days its coffee with HWC or half and half if that's all I have at work. Lunch, I find I try to get in around noon-ish as if I wait longer than that, I'm famished the rest of the day. Dinner is around 6 or 7, with a dessert after (Nuts, SF Jello and whipped cream, some…
  • This is my standby chocolate cake on Keto!! If I'm having a low number day... this is what I make!! So good with a big dollop of cool whip!! As for regular sweets, they are almost too much for me. I had a bite of a chocolate tart at easter and I couldn't do it. At work they will bring in sweets and I might have a tiny bite…
  • O i know I have a fair amount to lose (almost down 50 with another planned 70 or so to lose!!) but I guess I just like having a lot of data at hand! One of my friends is obsessed with her body fat number and I suppose that it got in my head... I wonder where I'm at too!! As to being the 50% body fat... no way, I think the…
  • My fasting blood sugar was 101. Technically pre-diabetes but my doctor knew I had been working on losing weight and at the same appointment I asked him his thoughts on Keto (very low carb, high fat and moderate protein). I thought he was going to... you know what, I don't know what he was going to do to!! Ended up, that…
  • According to those pictures, I think I look like the 35-39% or the 40-44%. This is why I'm so confused!! Because according to this picture, aint no way I'm in the 25-29% range at all!!
  • This might be what I have. It's not candia as I get some gut bacterial test about once a year ( I have really bad IBS but Keto seems to be helping). But it's all on my face... very rarely my hands. I keep my makeup brushes very clean, use unscented soap and dryer sheets on my bedding, and try to not change up my shampoo…
    in Keto rash Comment by klkateri April 2016