bodicegoddess Member


  • I'm down in the Cities - all the snow is melting and it's killing me because I want to go snow shoeing!
  • D: So sad for you - you have no idea! You're doing so well, too! I'm jealous when I log on and it's like, "spent 45 minutes on the treadmill and burned a bajillion calories." I feel unaccomplished in my sedentary lifestyle. Is there maybe a podcast or something you can listen to while you do upper body work to keep you…
  • Kellogg's Special K Cinnamon Pecan is what I've been going with as a late night snack replacement. It's delicious, sweet, and tastes a little bit like pie. We've also been stashing the junk foods in hard-to-reach or pain-in-the-butt cabinets so we don't go after them at my house.
  • "Fringe" just had its series finale on Friday night and I was a WRECK. I could tell. It lapsed into ugly-crying at one point.