

  • Covert Bailey, a respected fitness expert, claims that one can expect to healthily and reasonably gain one pound of muscle a week. That is clearly with exercising whose focus is building muscle bulk; however, it then seems reasonable that one could reasonably seek to gain a couple pounds of muscle within a month through…
  • I eat an apple with peanut butter. I know peanut butter is high in calories, but it has a high nutritional value, the right fats and protein. And the fiber in the apple keeps me full. Together they're nice and sweet! Yet they can act as a mini meal when consumed together. Plus, it always curbs an ice cream craving for me!
  • To get a low calorie meal I would ask what their vegan options are (perhaps I'm biased though). By choosing a vegan option you will avoid cream, butter, and meat with high fat content. When i had Indian in the past I had a vegetable curry and a lentil dish over rice. Very delicious and fulfilling! And so long as you're…
  • Any healthy sort of fat. Like everyone else has been suggesting, I am a fan of peanut butter (<- nothing is as successful at sabotaging my diet). Also consider fats from sources such as avocado or olives. They are also high in calories, but nutrient dense. I wouldn't suggest indulging in something unhealthy which you…
  • Of course! Not only does your body need fat, but plant based fats don't have cholesterol like their animal based counterparts making them heart healthy choices. As with everything moderation is key. I enjoy eating an apple with peanut butter as part of a meal or as a snack. The fiber, natural sugars, fats and protein make…
  • Personally, I'm about the same size about you and also work out a lot (up to 3.5 hours a day). I know that I probably eat a total of somewhere between 1200 and 1500 calories and lose about 2 pounds per week. Just make sure you get enough protein to feel full. Unless your blood sugar is suffering and you're getting light…
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