aleedol17 Member


  • If anyone is interested, we could start a meet up on saturdays around the annapolis area. I love hiking, biking and anything outdoors. Its starting to get chilly but I think its perfect for hiking. I am fairly new to the area so if anyone knows of good parks/places to hike suggestions welcome. Message me if your interested!
  • I have had the UP for about a month and I noticed the same thing sstan03 did, mfp does not do a good job of calculating calories burned, it definitely overestimates. I still log the exercise in for accountability but realize that it is wildly inaccurate. I only go by my 1400 calorie goal. UP has really made me realize how…
  • And people need to realize that chefs are very sensitive about the food they make and it hurts their feelings when people criticize their food so jumping to conclusions and assuming your husband is a total douche is a little aggressive. Im sure he is a nice man just need better communication.
  • My husband is a chef and since we have been together I have gained over 80lbs. I know exactly how you feel. I have a really hard time when he makes dinner. I also am a nurse and come home at 830 starving having worked 13hrs. I really have to make myself use portion control. He has gotten better but its taken years to talk…