

  • Hair loss and sagging skin and major irritability. I learned my lesson--food has to taste good and be real, or I am wasting my money.
  • Ask your family physician to prescribe Sertaline (zoloft) in a small dose. Published studies* have shown this to be very effective. After I read the studies, I showed them to my internist and he was willing to try it. Almost immediately, I stopped waking up at night and eating and not remembering much about it in the…
  • Get a dog!! I take mine for a walk twice a day, about 30 minutes each, most of which is uphill. Puppy loves it and I am able to go a little further everyday. Also, yoga--it changed my life.
  • Lots of good tricks posted here. For me, I have to get rid of the food that calls out to me in the middle of the night. (it is NEVER spinach) The other thing that has worked very well is to plan, plan, plan ahead. I try to do what restaurants do--prep the ingredients in advance, make sure I have everything I need, and…
  • I am on a special program for health purposes and count my calories every day. Some things that work for me, (1) a scale that measures in grams is very useful. It sits on my counter at all times, along with measuring cups and spoons, (2) I love Trader Joe's food. Everything has an accurate calorie count on it and there are…
  • That is really what it is all about, but there needs to be some additional understanding. If you cut calories, it is critical that you are not cutting essential nutrients. I take a multi-vitamin daily, vitamin d and vit B12 when I am cutting calories. I seem to lose weight faster and am satiated with the food I am eating.