

  • I think its the case with all forums in general... people find it easy to hide behind their monitors
  • Enjoys wearing backpacks
  • Watch your daily net intake, if this is negative you will lose weight, if you don't then you aren't tracking your intake or exercise correctly. If in doubt always select the sedentary setting on MFP - the notion of lightly active vs sedentary is highly subjective. edit: and yes the starvation myth has been busted again and…
  • Welcome Mike. I think we're all allowed to indulge a bit over the festive season! Just get yourself back in the gym or doing some walking/running and the weight will soon be off! Good luck.
  • There are some pretty crazy calculations which go into these things and I'd hesitate to say any are accurate enough to judge 110 cals difference person to person. If you follow the simple principle of burining more than you consume you will lose weight! By the way, if you are exercising that much then you will see the…