bigman7243 Member


  • I just recently started a new diet so it's been about every three days but I am now aiming for every two weeks. Mondays when I wake up before eating. I'd like to see big changes over small ones. Makes the accomplishments even better.
  • Chum Lee from pawn Stars. I have been stopped for autographs and pictures. Of course I obliged them and gave them what they wanted.
  • 2000 may be a lot for you but for me at 347 lbs I feel as does many other people is the right amount to help me lose weight at a healthy rate. I do agree with the others that my sodium intake is aboslutely horrid and I must do something about that.
  • Thank you all. I noted that myself after I posted this. I will definitely be watching more fervently in the future about what I am eating. Sodium has truly been the killer in my diet among the other things I appreciate the help and some may feel ashamed of what they eat but I leave it public for everyone to see. As for it…
  • Feel free to add me as well. Same goes for anyone else here. I'm on that same road have been heavy even at a young age and I could use more people on my list. Tired of seeing how no one I know is actually using the program.