Is this a plateau or something else?

I have been stuck for the past 2 months. I have seen very little change in weight and measurements. I have increased my workout which consists of minimal strength training and more centered around Cardio. I went from working out 3 times a week to 5 times and have stuck to my caloric intake without going over almost all the time.(Yes I have had one or two days here and there when I go over). I ensure not to eat back the calories I burn and I have my calories set at 2000 a day because I am an obese person. Is this a plateau or is it something I should check up on with a doctor?


  • ssteinbring677
    ssteinbring677 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm no expert but I'm sure many will tell you that you should eat those exercise calories back. Your calorie goal already includes a deficit which is set for you to lose weight, so by not eating back your exercise calories you are creating a greater deficit which usually goes one of two ways: losing weight faster, or stalling weight loss because your body is not getting enough fuel. I would say try to eat back your exercise calories for a couple weeks and see if that helps. Just my advice. Good luck!
  • StevenLongtin
    I'd say it's a plateau but I'd check with a doctor just in case. personally I do more strength training and circuit training then I wind down with cardio. the idea behind strength training and losing weight is you gain muscle so your body requires more energy just to keep that muscle and it activates the fat before any intake food. If you're a sugar fiend, drop sugar out completely, especially at the beginning of your day. avoid adding sugar until your day is over half over, and even then, in moderation. I thought that would be hard, but I don't eat anything with sugar in it unless it's a natural food (fruit, pure juices, etc.) these don't count unless you're going overboard. also, bread is HUGE, I don't know exactly why but once I stopped eating bread and adding sugar to my foods, drinks... I dropped 6 lbs in a week long period. no lie. this is all at the direction of my fitness trainer and nutritionalist. so I imagine there is a reason to all this madness, hope it helps.

  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Please not getting enough fuel on 2000 calories. I would NOT eat those calories back and lower those 2000 calories down to maybe 1500 or so. Sometimes you have to mix it up to get out of a plateau.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    try more strength training to build more muscle. that will get you out of the plateau.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    When hitting a stall or plateau (and we do go through a few at least in our weight loss journey) ALWAYS examine the amounts you eat first then What you eat.

    Personally, if i ate what you have in the last few days my weight would be goin up...the sodium i seen made my eyes drop outta my head.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Do you see what you are eating? OMG.....Lay off the processed foods start eating fruits and veggies. Get your protien in. Lay off the sugar and sugar filled products. Seriously you've got to stop eating all that processed crap. It's so freaking bad for you.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You aren't logging consistently enough to know what you're eating. Most people plateau because they go back to their old habits in little ways.

    Search your soul.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am going with SOMETHING ELSE.
  • bigman7243
    bigman7243 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all. I noted that myself after I posted this. I will definitely be watching more fervently in the future about what I am eating. Sodium has truly been the killer in my diet among the other things I appreciate the help and some may feel ashamed of what they eat but I leave it public for everyone to see. As for it not showing me updating regularly it's because I work nights. My 24 hours is completely different from a regular schedule I set mine from 3pm to 3pm and because I don't finish the log before midnight it's as if I didn't do anything at all for it. Again thank you all for the help.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Please not getting enough fuel on 2000 calories. I would NOT eat those calories back and lower those 2000 calories down to maybe 1500 or so. Sometimes you have to mix it up to get out of a plateau.

    ^^ agreed 2000 is a lot lol
  • bigman7243
    bigman7243 Posts: 6 Member
    2000 may be a lot for you but for me at 347 lbs I feel as does many other people is the right amount to help me lose weight at a healthy rate. I do agree with the others that my sodium intake is aboslutely horrid and I must do something about that.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    2000 may be a lot for you but for me at 347 lbs I feel as does many other people is the right amount to help me lose weight at a healthy rate. I do agree with the others that my sodium intake is aboslutely horrid and I must do something about that.

    I was over 400 lbs when I started this so yeah IMO that's a line of bs. And you need to do something about more than your sodium. You eat basically junk. All those processed foods are why your not losing more than even the calories. Are you wanting to lose weight or get healthy? I'm not saying you should eat the calories I eat, but you need to eat better.