bluejean1012 Member


  • We are having cake today too!! I have been fretting over this too. I am going to get a piece, but only eat part of it and take the rest home to my bf. I say if it looks good and you really want some, have some with moderation! Dont deny yourself too much!
  • I am currently doing a cleanse right now and I would highly recommend it. It is the Renew Life CleanseSmart. It is a 30 day program and you take two pills in the morning and two at night. It detoxes much more than just the colon, the blood, lungs and a bunch of other things that I cant remember right now. It is not as…
  • Please add me as a friend. I have been working out and decided to throw in an Insanity workout into the mix last week and I am now motivated to try the entire thing again. I was going to start tonight after work. I am very curious as to how many calories they burn, but have been to cheap to by my own hr monitor with…