

  • Yes and no. Everyone's bodies are different. My roommate eats junk food all day and has about a 8%bodyfat and hardly works out. So if you're one of those people who doesn't gain weight from eating junk food, then more power to you as long as it hits your macro nutrients. For some others though: Eating processed foods…
  • Its really all trial an error as horrible as it sounds. Cutting down carbs (notice I say cutting down and not eliminating) has been known as a more general way to slim down. For me personally: I generally go through a 6 week phase that I just continue to cycle through and after about 7months of plateauing, Ive finally…
  • Try doing a light jog? That'll burn a little more calories than walking so that could be just what you need
  • You could be gaining muscle. Or eating the wrong macronutrients. Or you could have also cut too much out of your diet. What do yo normally eat?
  • You could be gaining muscle and still losing fat. From the foods that you eat, you could be just replenishing your muscles and actually building them. What you could always do to track progress more efficiently is stop relying on a scale for progress. It can lead you to be easily discouraged and blind you from whats really…
  • When I dropped the majority of my weight (45lbs) I wasnt eating breakfast. After doing some research, studies do show that people do tend to lose weight more if they eat breakfast. This is not saying that if you dont eat breakfast, you wont lose weight. Its saying: statistically people have been able to keep their weight…
  • Tuna is probably the least expensive, low carb, high protein meat that you could get. Investing in protein powder would befit you also. nuts are generally higher in fat than protein, but they are mono, and polyunsaturated fats so you NEED those. Greek yogurt could also be the way to go, for example Fage is pretty high in…