azalea617 Member


  • Loving all these compliments from people haha ... I love you all as well!! :) And I have CCK bookmarked, she has some awesome stuff!
  • That looks really neat! Thank you! Even if we didn't use that for the honeymoon, I think I'd like to go there someday! :)
  • Oh don't I know it, brother! We are actually close to Harrisburg, within a few hours of Baltimore, DC, Pittsburgh, so it's not too bad of a location. However, the Amish buggies riding down the street of my town tend to remind me my locale is a little different than most.
  • I really like this idea, thank you. :) I'm looking for small/not crowded, so this sounds like a good possibility. My wedding is going to be super simple. I'd like to feel relaxed on the honeymoon too.
  • I'm actually pretty far from being that, but thanks for your concern. I only noted that date because it's his favorite series, thus by picking that date, he'll remember the anniversary. ;) Plus, I think it's hilarious. We've got the sex covered, people! No worries there! We want to actually have something *else* to do too!…
  • Aww I'm sorry you're stuck with that. :( I'm the one who makes less money here...hahaha...and I got a master's...whereas he dropped out of college and just started working (excellent in computer business) *sigh* I know I'm lucky though, we work together pretty damn well. *hugs* to you!!! <3 it will get better, with or…
  • Definitely getting some great ideas, everyone! :) Luckily, we're saving a lot of money on the wedding because we're just doing immediate family at a small cafe nearby, one of the employees is even a wedding officiant! I'm SO excited to get married there because I absolutely love it. We were originally going to have a…
  • went to DC after xmas ... bleh. I like that city in general, but we do not like cities. the hotel was nice though.
  • this is sad but ... we don't have cable. Lol. so hotels also provide the entertainment of having the tv on...we're weird. AND we get a break from taking care of our four pets... :)
  • nothing new there, dude.
  • oh true! I think we thought of that a long time ago. definitely a possibility! :) thanks!
  • bumpppppppp
  • Done. Phew. That DEFINITELY warmed me up!
  • Doing this. Because it's too cold to leave my house, so this can be part of my at-home workout! Also, will warm me up. :)
  • ha! glad I didn't make that mistake as well! I almost didn't add it, but I didn't want people to be...confused. That seems to happen easily on occasion.
  • Luckily, a can of chickpeas is pretty cheap at a regular grocery store! :-D Especially since you can just get generic.
  • I'm vegan and have definitely been trying to cut out carbs...they're my weakness! I do still have fruit pretty frequently, but usually as berries, which aren't *as* bad. Lately, I've been doing big salads for lunch with lots of veggies. I definitely have noticed a huge difference between how I feel when I have some bread…
  • Yay! People like things! :) hahaha trust me ... this was spurred last night by an INTENSE sugar craving...knocked it out of the park!
  • hahaha that's what makes it even better!!! :)
  • Once you make want to make it all the time! haha
  • Thanks so much Gamelyne. It's nice to hear it from the other perspective. :) I really hope he does "wake up" at some point and want to get healthy again. He keeps saying "once I get used to my schedule" but they always switch it every few weeks, so that's a hard thing to do. He has sleep apnea as well, so he's tired a lot…
  • Thanks. And I know this, too. That's what makes it so frustrating! He knows he doesn't eat the best, but just isn't ready for the change I guess. I really hope that someday he will be. Maybe once I'm a fit sexy lady he'll get his rear in gear to keep up! haha!
  • Since he seems like he wants to be involved more, maybe see if he wants an account on here too? Then maybe he would see why you love it so's super fun! And it makes everything so much easier. I'm on here way more than I care to admit, but it helps me feel organized and in control of what I'm doing because I can…
  • I work in a mall, across from a Claire's where they will pierce babies' ears. Please don't. The screaming is insane. Even doing both ears at once, it still results in a very unhappy baby. As much as they say they won't remember it, I feel like it would build some trust issues that your parent is allowing you to experience…
  • I know it's easy to get discouraged, but I think you're doing great, especially with such a full schedule! I joined right before you and have lost 11 lbs so far (201 down to 190, so we're similar I guess). Look at this way: in about 6 weeks, you've lost 15 lbs. That's about 2.5 a week! That's not just ok, that's awesome…
  • Awesome!!! and NICE POSTER!!! :-D haha
  • Sorry to hear that. :( My mom is an RN at a nursing home and they basically did the same there (either shot or mask). She's a vegan, plus has not gotten the flu shot since the '70s because of, well, being a nurse and her opinions on things (it made her really sick the last time she had gotten it too). She was ready to just…
  • I just started coughing from laughing so hard at that cat. Thanks. hahahaha
  • woohoo! Have to wonder about that .002 hahaha you deserve a whole 10!
  • Both of my parents and I are vegan and my grandma really enjoys giving my mom a hard time about it, saying she's "worried" about her getting enough nutrients. My mom has lost over 50 pounds since becoming vegan a couple years ago and my grandma continues to gain a few pounds a year. Last year, my mom's birthday was on…