HeatherBetsy Member


  • Sample menu! Breakfast - Oats, made with almond milk, and cinnamon. Lunch - Baked sweet potato, served salad with perhaps some fish/chicken/turkey. Dinner - Selection of vegetables stir fried in coconut oil, with chicken and chilli. Served with wild rice. Snacks - Fruit - Nuts - Coconut balls (see above) Drinks - Water -…
  • Someone asked for a sample menu! Breakfast - Oats, made with almond milk, and cinnamon. Lunch - Baked sweet potato, served salad with perhaps some fish/chicken/turkey. Dinner - Selection of vegetables stir fried in coconut oil, with chicken and chilli. Served with wild rice. Snacks - Fruit - Nuts - Coconut balls (see…
  • Wow! I didn't think my topic would spark this much of a debate, but I'm glad to see that we are all so passionate about what we put into our bodies! I'll explain myself a little more! For me, clean eating is eating nutritionally dense food, as close to it's natural state as I can get it. So when I say "non-processed", I…
  • I buy my meat fresh from my butcher on the day I plan on eating it. I don't buy mass produced chicken etc. from supermarkets.
  • Not if I buy organic meat. Which I do. Well that sounds doable, but you do realize that your definition of "processed" would actually preclude meat, right? [/quote]
  • I don't understand how wanting to eliminate processed food from my diet is focusing on the wrong thing? I will still get all the food elements, protein, carbs, sugar etc... Just from natural, unprocessed food. And I certainly won't be starving myself!
  • Some people have different definitions to clean eating, but to me it means fresh, unprocessed produce. But, to each their own! If you have a different version of 'clean eating' that you wish to commit to for one week then please do! The point of this, for me personally, is to help me commit to 100% clean eating for one…
  • Spices etc. Basically anything without artificial chemicals.
  • My definition would be zero chemicals or additives. Nothing processed. So, fruit, veg, nuts, non processed meat etc.
  • I'm the same. I *mostly* eat clean, but never completely. So from Monday, for seven days, nothing but fresh produce will pass my lips! :)
  • I'm gonna jump in on this now if that's ok! I also just started a new challenge - One week of 100% clean eating. If anyone is interested in joining in?
  • You look incredible! Well done!
  • Hey! I'd love to be added to this if I still can be please! :)
  • You're right, Trogalicious! And I'll still enjoy my craftbeers, but I wouldn't mind substituting them with lower cal drinks from time to time. I'm only starting out with my weightloss, so maybe when I'm fitter and closer to goal I can indulge a little more! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • I've never heard of Crystal Light until now. We can't get it in Ireland as far as I can see, but I'll definitely look into ordering it online!