Oh my!! Did the AB DVD today on day #2 and boy did that whip my keester!! Not only do I have a VERY weak core but I have insane lack of flexibility as well. Gonna be a long haul but these DVD's will do the trick!!
Today I just completed day #1 of the xfactor. I wanted to get into something that is both challenging and less time consuming right now in order to prepare myself for a round of the P90x. Right now all I can say is that I am really out of shape. I'm hopeful that this will get me going in the right direction. If I can just…
Rats!! I didn't make it.
Yea, saved a cache. Defined as: not finding a cache even though I've walked by it several times. Let me tell you, that's no easy task for me!!!
I got my 12/12/12 badge!! I saved a cache nearby so I could get it. Pathetic aren't I?
Not liking the pink (just my opinion).
Love caching!!! Have 1240 finds in 5 years (yea, that's low) and have hidden 53. Just love getting out. Caching motivates me to get out and get some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. I also have just started the Munzee thing too!! Have been enjoying that as well since it is a little more competitive than caching.
Just trying to make all women envious of my wife!!!
24!! (Finally watching it now via Netflix)
Not enough!!! My wife and kids have a pretty busy schedule. I'm always running here and there. There's no telling when or if everyone will be home to eat. We're lucky if we are able to all sit and eat together once a week so the cooking of a well rounded meal will happen once a week if we're lucky. Crazy!!