jaelus Member


  • I've been vegan for 11 years, vegetarian for 17. Feel free to add me.
  • The clif builder bars are really good! 20g of protein and they have a great texture and flavor. http://www.clifbar.com/food/products_builders/
  • I've been vegan for over 10 years. Please feel free to add me.
  • Here are the lot numbers that were recalled: http://vegarecall.com/lot-codes/ Many products and flavors were unaffected.
  • I agree with everything you're saying. Remember, most people come to MFP for weight loss. While the dietary component of being vegan is much healthier than the standard American diet, it is important for people to understand that veganism is not a diet, it is a philosophy and a lifestyle. That's what this thread is…
  • Some cheeses are considered vegetarian and others are not, depending on whether or not an animal was killed to provide material for the cheese manufacturing, such as rennet, or other more obvious inclusions in the cheese. Otherwise dairy is generally considered vegetarian but not vegan.
    in Vegans Comment by jaelus January 2014
  • There are two problems with your analogy. First, leaving a sock on the floor is not an ethical issue. Pose a similar question regarding a charitable person that is stealing from the poor and you'll see a huge difference. Second, being neat is highly subjective without any qualifying conditions like one would find with…
  • Personally I think veganism can be simplified to the central belief that animals are sentient individuals with lives equally valuable to humans. Adopting this one belief causes an ethical person to completely rethink how they interact with the world. I think this page correctly describes veganism:…
  • Some good thoughts here. I've been vegan for over 10 years and vegetarian for 7 before that. Veganism is best understood as a religion. A vegan is someone who prescribes to the core beliefs (discussed in this thread already) and the lifestyle and diet are natural extensions of those beliefs. Accidental and unintentional…
  • I am a long time vegan. I use http://vegasport.com/ products as a supplement when working out, but something like falafel with hummus, bulgur with beans, tofu, seitan, or tempeh are also great, lentils and other legumes, also veggies like broccoli. http://gentleworld.org/10-protein-packed-plants/
  • I've been vegan for over 10 years and was vegetarian for about 7 years before that. Veganism is really a system of beliefs of which the diet is only a part. The diet, lifestyle, and behaviors then come naturally as an extension of those beliefs. So, there is a dietary aspect, but veganism is no more a diet than any…
    in Vegans Comment by jaelus January 2014