tenajh Member


  • been a year I guess, I am back, did a half hour of walking today, MS got bad but back on my feet. hugs to all of you who are trying
  • Thanks for all these suggestions. I am thinking about leaning towards Dr Mercola s Pure Whey Protein powder. Seems to have a lot of scientific evidence at being a high quality product. That is gluten free
  • thank you for your input
  • Hope this helps Protein in 100g = 30 g / Half-Breast (306g) = 92 g / Protein to Calorie Ratio 1g protein per 4.5 calories 2: Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Halibut) Protein in 100g = 28 g / 3oz Fillet 85g = 26 g/ Protein to Calorie Ratio 1g protein per 4.5 calories #3: Cheese (Non-fat Mozzarella) Protein in 100g = 32 g / 1oz Slice…
  • I can relate as well. Managed to put on all that I lost in last 6 months, But going to rally and give effort to logging on daily. Join me in 30 minutes of cardio tomorrow and 15 minutes of wts. We can do this right ?? Please feel free to add me as a friend. It has been awhile since I have been active in this community and…
  • It is possible -- it is not an easy road, but a great reward. I have outlived my life expectancy and am very happy to report that exercise helps, both mentally and physically. Best wishes -- you can do this, and we are all here to cheer you on. Maybe start out with a 10 minute stretching exercise, wts with soup cans.…
  • I researched, it is not organic and some products contain gluten.
  • Curious about Fage - can you get it organically made? also -- is it gluten free?
  • I like this, I am on day 2 of eating clean! Not feeling the greatest, but do believe that when the toxins are gone I will feel better. Back in my size 6 jeans as well and that is a good feeling with the chill in the air.
  • I have a gluten intolerance, mild allergic reactions also. Have had stool testing, skin testing, and other labs done. That being said, going on a gluten free diet did not cause me to lose a single pound. Calories in - calories out.
  • Donated every item not worn in one year and each item that was worn out or too large, I am still working on the last 10 #, but am looking forward to 2 more pairs of jeans I want to fit in well again.
  • THIS really made me smile. Thanks I needed one today; very proud for you :smile: You are a warrior if ever I saw one ; ) Have a grand time with this next year.....
  • Massive progress ! Congrats on such a significant transformation. Amazing - you are :drinker:
  • CHECKMATE -- you got this, cheers !!
  • speechless, really -- impressed , amazed, humbled . . . wow.....
  • I am on round 2 for losing "those last 10 pounds" Enthusiastic and back in the game, so please feel free to add me. I am 49 and a mom of 3. Have a great weekend.
  • 5'2' and 132 -- I am 49 yrs old. Please feel free to friend me if any of you would like. I recently put on 15 pounds over a 3 month period (meds and health issues) I know the hard work it will take to get back to where I was - AND I will get back to where I was ; )
  • I have had my joints flare up with my OA, have had 4 surgeries to repair damage to knees, neck, foot and wrist. I have MS, I find that pilates yoga helps with toning. I am lifting - just doing what I can , when I can. At least start out with upper body and abs, as there is not really an impact on your knees. For cardio,…
  • Would like to follow a lot of this great advice, so marking this post. Good luck on your journey OP, you have had some amazing results in this last year, being 49, I do understand it takes a little more effort in your 40's to look great then it did in your 20's. My goal is 18% body fat to be obtained in next 6 months, I…
  • No math expert here but that is about 133 pounds right ?? I am in about the same boat, please feel free to add me, been around almost a yr and after estrogen replacement therapy, put on 10 # that I would like to take back off and bulk up some. Not afraid of calories just the body fat percentage, so I do not log in my food…
  • There are many people who will be very supportive of your weight loss journey, but ultimately -- you need to be your biggest fan. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have several children of my own, all grown some with babies of their own. I think there is a lot of support out here if you are reaching and YES, you…
  • I did not read all 4 pages, but I do find that when my protein levels are higher my appetite is a little more stable. I also find that eating 'a little bit' 15 min before a full meal helps. I also find that when I am happy I am able to exercise more often and have a greater desire to do what is right for my body and for my…
  • ((( hugs ))) free for taking....... . . . . .. . . .
  • on a more serious note I do like " club can't handle me" by Flo Rida
  • I Can't Get No Satisfaction -- seems like more of a motto lately than a song LOL
  • I did a trial of supplements, was outfitted at a specialty running store and visited with a chiropractor. Anything you can do now will make a lot of difference in your next decade of life. I found I cannot run anymore unless I opt for surgery. my arthritis is just that advanced, I am 49 and would like to hold off on any…
  • Would love to see a "cool chart". you must be graph savy ; ) I had reached my goal wt,,,but after a month of steroids and hormones and inability to move around much, I have regained the 10 pounds, plus 2 more. My name is Janet and this morning I weighed 133 pounds. Thank you for this thread, I commit to daily logging and…
  • wow, you make me feel empowered. !! Amazing results. (( high 5 in the air )) So proud you are committed to seeing this through to the end. It is a great feeling indeed to have something be too big for you to wear. We are here for you, every day....to keep you encouraged and to congratulate your every success. Have a day as…
  • I agree that this is very good for toning and 10 1 hr sessions of Windsor pilates actually helped me to lose one dress/pant size, great for joints and muscles, therefore you sleep better , recover better and feel better. IMHO - I have no facts to back myself up. Jennifer Anniston does this to keep in shape and only yoga,…
    in Yoga Comment by tenajh July 2013