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  • And now I'm picturing Cookie Monster as also a zombie. Bwahahah!
  • Didn't you know, when people who are overweight eat food it is only "nutrition" *wink wink somebody wants a cookie*. We never eat back exercise calories with protein or veggies, lol.
  • Thin people also don't have as much body mass to move around, and I think there is some serious fat hatred going on in this thread. When someone isn't thin, lots of movements that thin and active people take for granted as easy breezy daily activity are nothing of the sort. When I'm overweight, normal things for you (like…
  • But the thing is that this activity is NOT her "normal stuff". I particularly spend all day every day sitting on my cushy behind writing papers, grading papers, reading papers.... I have a no kidding sedentary desk job. If I jetted up and down the stairs at work 20 times, that would be rather out of the ordinary. I would…
  • Is movement only valid exercise if it is an athletic activity? I get the impression that the only thing that "counts" is stuff done at the gym for the express purpose of fitness. Is it still exercise if someone "hits the weights" at only 30 minutes using less than some acceptable amount of weight? I just don't get why…
  • Personally, my calorie limits in MFP are for sedentary activity, so I tend to log things like walking around the store for an hour as 30 minute of 2mph walking. The other day I walked a mile to school, wandered around a botanical festival for 2 hours, and then walked home with my take. You bet my shiny metal behind that I…
  • Ooooo must try!
  • You can do that or if you don't want to dig there is a method called lasagna gardening, where you layer the compost on top of the ground with leaves/cardboard and plant in that. Also, some veggies you buy at the grocery store can be eaten but also replanted. For leeks, I chop off the root and part of the white portion of…
  • For awhile last year, I lived on just boiled beans for dinner and oatmeal for breakfast. It gets old after while, but you survive. Dry beans are much much cheaper than canned, and haven't got added sodium. Even without a crockpot, bean soup doesn't take much more cooking skill than spaghetti, it just has to be cooked for…
  • Thanks for the response, I totally understand your point. It is the result of a fall about 10 years ago. I don't typically have pain during the run, even immediately after the injury (I was in basic training, and foolishly pushed through.). It just gets stiff after the run. My insurance is kind of crap, so they will…
  • I look at my old pictures of myself at my first duty station, and I'd like to smack that tiny idiot girl for thinking she was fat.
  • Hey there! Air Force 01-07 chiming in. I'm not looking to get back to my weight before I got out, because I might have... well I hit the ROAD there for a few months so I was kinda chubby at the end. I lost the chub by selling my car and bicycling to university every day for a year. Now I'm looking to get back to my BMT…
  • *Edit* I didn't read through before posting my bla bla bla about what I take. I'm glad you found a solution. To everyone else who just snorts butterfly farts, drops vit-C, and jogs away their anxiety: good for you. :indifferent:
  • My knees love the elliptical. I do still get a bit of soreness if I overdo it, but not nearly what I get with treadmills. I find the impact of walking on a treadmill is worse than running on the street. I also cannot do lunges or most squats, however I discovered that plie squats, in moderation, are really good for me.…
  • I *thought* something tasted funny in my smoothie this morning...:drinker: Ok, non-glib answer. Use whatever protein source you find tasty, add whatever fruits or flavor whatsits you find tasty, blend it. Now you have a protein smoothie that isn't just for men, or for women even, but for YOU. Enjoy that tasty ****.…
  • Greek yogurt in individual cups are my solution to adding protein in a quick snack. If you have access to refrigeration at work, they are quite convenient.
  • Friend me and check out my food diary. One of my priorities is to eat foods high in potassium. Most people don't care/track anything but carbs, fat, and protein. So oftentimes foods in the database don't list all nutrients, even though the food contains it. I almost always cross-check with the database.…
  • I think it all depends on how much of your boob is fat tissue and how much is mammary gland tissue. If you have lots of fat tissue to lose, then yes, deflation will occur. If it is actually all "boob" then exercise and diet aren't going to do much to the boobage in terms of size or firmness.
  • Yeah, unfortunately I lose fat in my favorite places first (breasts and bum), and then my least favorite (gut and thighs), and lastly I never lose flab in my upper arms (curses!). The girls stay at respectable youthfulness if I do a bit of strength training at the same time.
  • Do you mean the "wrinkle" that goes across the top of your tummy, from where the tummy roll bent? I have one like that. I haven't lost enough weight to get rid of the tummy roll, but I suspect the wrinkle will be there forever. I figure it is like a wrinkled forehead from scrunching your brow too much, at some point the…
  • My short term goals are things like completing all the runs in this week's C25K set. Once I am running all of them, I focus on improving my pace a little bit, etc. One of my medium term goals was to be able to sit down wearing jeans without the waist digging painfully into my gut, ugh. Achieved. Long-term... to not have a…
  • Seeing how many women keep their phones, keys, ID in their sports bra makes me feel less weird about doing that all the time. Haha, practical uses for boobz!
  • I only carry my phone and my house key. Since my keys are on a clip, not a ring, it is really easy to pull off just the house key. I stick it in the laces of my shoes. The only thing I hold onto is my phone, which plays music and runs my C25K app.
  • Commenting just to have this thread saved. I just bought the friendlies brand. I usually love cottage cheese, and noticed the "no salt added" label, so I picked it up. Now I need to find things to combine it with, because it is too bland and dry. How the heck is cottage cheese dry? Ugh.
  • When I hit puberty, my family became quite mean about my weight. They would make a noise as I crossed the living room "boom bapppa booom bappa boom" to mean that I made huge elephant steps. I mentioned it to my Mom years later, and she hardly even remembered it, She recalls that she was concerned about my weight because…
  • Women love *actual* nice guys. What we don't like, and can see right through, are guys who think they have perfected being a "Nice Guy(tm)" in order to get what they want. OP, seriously. Go out and enjoy life, love yourself for who you are. Eventually your path will cross with women who see your worth and love you for you.…
  • :noway: :drinker: :laugh: :smooched:
  • I find that kale blends and tastes best in a smoothie if the accompanying fruit is pinapple, peach, etc. The darker berries mix with the green veggies and the result turns a bit brownish. It still tastes great, of course, but the color is off-putting. A nice, bright smoothie with kale, yogurt, pinapple, and a bit of lemon…
  • Grilled zucchini and zucchini fries are awesome! Unfortunately, we were given them in sliced and squishy frozen form. Brownies or bread are on the menu for tonight. I will let you all know how it goes :)
    in Zucchini? Comment by Tdacks January 2013