euca Member


  • Me too! I've never given up anything for Lent before.
  • I used to do weight watchers and it worked well for me but I decided to switch to MFP for a change (and because it's free) - however, I'm finding that I'm not losing any weight on MFP whereas that was never a problem with WW. I've been eating between 1200 - 1300 calories a day. Because I haven't been losing weight I…
  • Thanks for the help. I'm not instantly discouraged by this because I know that it can't be 2 pounds of fat (and it's highly doubtful that it's 2 pounds of muscle at this stage - I've literally only done 2 workouts). I think the most likely culprit is water retention but if anyone has any other suggestions please let me…
  • I'm in Edinburgh if that helps!
  • I'm 28 (turning 29 at then end of the month - eek!) and I'm new here. I'm hoping to stay within my 1200 net calories every day this month (except for my bday - when i'll be allowed cake and champagne!) and hope to get below 150 by February. CW - 156 lbs (2/01/2011) GW - 149 lbs (1/02/2011)
  • I'm going to aim for drinking one night a week only - and then I'll stick to either wine or low cal mixed drinks (like rum and diet coke, gin and slim etc..) Wish me luck! I've got a party to go to tomorrow night and going to go teetotal!
  • Hi everyone I've just started here and I think that this is the group for me. I've been trying to lose 10 measly pounds for a year now and have not been able to and I'm certain that booze is the reason. Every weekend (and sometimes through the week) social occasions crops up and although I'm sometimes able to make it…
  • Wow! Great job - you must be so delighted with the results! I love your story because you're the same height as me and I'm hoping for a similar weight loss (starting weight 156 lbs, would be happy to get to 135 - but 131 would be great too!). I can't believe that it only took you from August to Thanksgiving! That's very…