amye0721 Member


  • I definitely noticed a change. I started Insanity and my period came the first month just 2 days late. This month I had really bad PMS symptoms (like extremely sore breasts, moody, sensitive), but NO cramps and the lightest blood flow I have had since I was 12. Ha! I even thought maybe I was somehow pregnant because it was…
  • Good advice. Psychological journey is a great way to say it. It's a mental battle many days for me. Then, the one day I needed to take an unplanned break, it felt like I was failing. I have also felt like crying my way through my workout. I actually haven't posted on these things until today as I am looking for motivation…
  • I am so glad to hear someone else say this!! I am on Insanity Month 2 Day 4 today. But after week 1, it was so bad that I wanted to cry. I tried to do the Max Cardio Conditioning on Friday (8/16) and I was shaking, my muscles were weak and I felt horrible. I decided to take an unplanned day off (which was incredibly hard…
  • I am on week 2 of month 2 of Insanity. I struggled with motivation severely both after week 1 of month 1 and week 1 of month 2. Week 1 of Month 2 was the hardest. I was weak and shaking and it was just awful. So, I took an unplanned day off and my husband lectured me about the importance of a Recovery Drink. He wasn't…
  • I would try upping it to 1400 calories a day. I read a few places that if you plateau, perhaps your body has hit starvation/survival mode and up your calories 200 or so for a week or two and see if that helps.