citizen55555 Member


  • It's way easier to not use a blender. I bought a Contigo autoseal coffee mug and I just shake the brew to get it to mix well. You might need to leave a little room at the top or fill 3/4 then shake and add more coffee. Just be careful the first time you hit the drink button as the it may have a little pressure built up but…
  • Read a book called "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. Do at about an hour of cardio every day and eat 15-20% under what your total daily burn is. If you don't eat enough your metabolism with crash. Eat a lot but burn even more. This will boost you metabolism, also weight train 3 times a week to keep the muscle…
  • I started doing p90x about a month ago, I started using this site when I had trouble tracking my food intake. My plan is to gradually up my carb intake as they want you start protein heavy at first.