imheids Member


  • Hi! I'm 5' 10", and 206lbs--my goal weight is 180, but I just can't seem to get past 205 lbs. I'm working out daily with Zumba, Tae Bo, and started C25k-week 5 completed. I did loose 20 lbs by cutting out soda and eating better. I am 46, so that is probably my biggest barrier. I do feel better once I work out. Some days I…
    in 5'9 ladies!! Comment by imheids May 2013
  • The ovarian cysts, the fluctuation in the blood sugars, the not tolerating birth control sounds like it may be PCOS. Can I ask...what shape are you? More belly weight in the front, little hips and flat butt? Not real defined waistline? Small breasts? Can you fit a hand width between them? Irregular periods, or non at all?…
  • Thanks for this site! I was way off. I found a MFP pal that calculated her calorie burn for Zumba at 378, so I was using that. This site calculated for me to be at 552 for moderate intensity or 625 for high intensity. This is a big difference.
    in Zumba? Comment by imheids April 2013
  • I'm in Jefferson, I can always use healthy friends. Please all add me.
  • I'm in Jefferson, feel free to add me! I do need healthy pal's!
  • I am 46 and need weight loss pall, you can add me!