Samanthainmt Member


  • Hi All! I would also like some buddies for the Slim in 6 workout also - feel free to add me. Today will be my 3rd day on the Ramp it Up dvd. Those butt exercises are really kicking my butt! I have lost weight with the series so far so I'm going to push through and hopefully slim down! I need some motivation and support to…
  • Honestly I'm not sure. I just create an exercise and add in the time and calories burned just based on my HRM. How else do you estimate it based on MFP? (I'm kinda new to this)
  • I got a Polar FT4 HRM (the pink one) and I love it! I have never had one before and was on the fence about the chest strap, but I'm too busy working out I don't even notice it. Plus I needed to get something to track my calories burned during my workout. I would recommend it!
  • Ok, the last two days I didn't track anything or workout since it was the holidays and all. Too scared to actually write down what I was eating anyway and it would have taken me forever haha! Today I'm starting Week 2 of the beginner cycle. Going to have to work EXTRA hard to get rid of all the holiday snacking...ugh.
  • Have you started Turbo Jam already? I would like to start today on the beginner cycle - learn & burn and wanted to join in with someone. I don't know if this is still an active group or not.