

  • Thanks so much for sharing! Truly inspiring. What courage to start and drive to keep going. Majority of people don't even bother trying. Stories like these are what helps other people like me keep trying to live healthy lives. Please keep everyone posted! :smile:
  • I'm 5'7", 167 pounds. I carry my weight in my hips, butt and thighs. I wear anywhere from 10-12 depending on the brand.
  • I read "Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight". There are good reasons to go Wheat free. Even cutting back, I can feel the difference for me. It is challenging to go completely wheat free though. But cutting out most wheat has made me feel lighter and I have had a lot less stomach problems. I say try it and see how you feel.…
  • Try adding weight training. This will boost your metabolism. Trying different workouts will keep your body guessing.