At a stand still

Hi all, I am a 66 yr old female and I just joined today, however I have been watching what I eat since Sept of 2012. I started at 270lbs and am now at 240 but, I have been at this weight for 4 weeks. I swim and do aqua fitness 4-5 times a week and I will not give up, but I do get disgusted because I am not loosing. I know when loosing we all hit a plateau, but 4 weeks. I try to eat healthy, and to not snack after 6:30. I do eat 4-5 times a day, small amounts. Any suggestions , PLEASE !


  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Sometimes a stifled metabolism results from low calorie intake.
    That is what this sounds like.
    Who knows?
    Open your diary.
  • Try adding weight training. This will boost your metabolism. Trying different workouts will keep your body guessing.
  • karaannecooper
    karaannecooper Posts: 2 Member
    I've had this issue too. I lose a few pounds a week for a few weeks, then stay the same for a few weeks, then lose again. I find that when I'm hitting the treadmill hard (60 min a day 5 days a week) I don't lose as much weight. But of course it's still healthy and toning so I'm not going to stop that. I also can't go too low on my calories or I don't lose as much. I'd say keep up the good work with tracking your calories and exercising and the scale will move :) I try to remember that it's not a race. If I'm making good healthy choices then the weight will come off. And it's not possible to burn more calories than you consume and not reduce. That's what I tell myself :)
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    You've hit the inevitable plateau but you're not alone - we all do at some point or another, and I think the time spent on the plateau is different for each individual. I stayed the same weight for months when I plateaued. Don't give up, though!

    Your body has simply adapted to your current routine and now you need to just re-challenge it. If you find that you're eating the same things or doing the same exercises day to day, trying switching things up a bit. Depending on your limitations, push yourself just a little harder and a little further and you will get over that plateau.

  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks all,

    I do have a problem getting all my calories in some days, especially if I work that day. Someone told me that if I don't eat enough my body will go into starvation mode and I will stop loosing, I guess they knew what they were saying. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try harder. I also forgot to add extra on the days I swim, so you might all be right. Tomorrow I will go to the gym and try switching things up. It was a bit windy today to be in the water anyway. Thanks for your input.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    It is really hard for us to know for sure since you just started (and thus not logging long) and don't have your diary open.

    The one thing that has in the past slowed any of my weight loss has been eating too low of calorie. Most people do NOT have to do 1200 calories to lose weight. Once you put in my workouts I am often eating around 1800 calories per day to lose 1lb a week. Also, the scale is NOT the be all, end all! Are you taking measurements? Even if the scale won't budge, you may find you are losing inches. Which in my opinion is just as good if not even better.
  • Well for one, don't give up. For two, change up what you eat. Try new and different produce, lay off the nuts if you're eating them (and peanut butter and bread) and try for an organic whole foods diet for awhile with new and different recipes. If you're drinking alcohol that will play a huge roll. Get some herring, top off your salad with salsa, .. mix it up.
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    I am not sure how to open my diary, can you tell me.

    I do not eat nuts more then once a week and I drink 1-2 diet soda's and 4 bottles of water a day, but I think I need to add more food into my diet and change my workouts to 3 x's a week in the pool and 3 in the gym. All the suggestions have been very helpful . Thanks
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I am not sure how to open my diary, can you tell me.

    I do not eat nuts more then once a week and I drink 1-2 diet soda's and 4 bottles of water a day, but I think I need to add more food into my diet and change my workouts to 3 x's a week in the pool and 3 in the gym. All the suggestions have been very helpful . Thanks

    Home --> My Settings ---> Diary Settings

    At the bottom it will say "Diary Sharing"... set it to public. You can always set it back after you get the information you need. I keep mine on friends only 99% of the time.

    And there is nothing wrong with nuts, peanut butter, or bread. In fact, nuts and peanut butter have a lot of healthy fats. Yes they are calorie dense, but as long as you measure and account for them there is nothing wrong with that. Since I made sure to have these items in my diet I have had better cholesterol numbers and have lost more weight overall

    I would get rid of the diet soda.