

  • I'm a tad older than you (26) but am always looking for motivation and support. Add me if you want :happy:
  • I actually have a story that I would like to share with you if you want to send me a message. I just don't want to display it publicly.
  • You need to realize that a person who truly loves you will love you at your best and your worst, your thinnest and your fattest, your strongest and your weakest moments. There is a difference between wanting you to be healthy and happy and wanting you to look differently. I know that this is going to be a difficult thing…
  • I am starting tonight after work. I have 3 lb weights. I'm looking forward to it!
  • I am a librarian and a knitter! What kind of ilbrary do you work in?
  • This is a really good point! One thing that makes me realize I am progressing is my heart rate while exercising. When I first started my heart rate would get really really high while doing cardio. The more I keep at it, the more regular it becomes. I'm sorry for posting information taht is possibly incorrect. Thanks to…
  • I also dislike greek yogurt. But a good idea for plain yogurt is to add almond or vanilla extract along with fresh fruit. Makes it taste sweet w/o adding sugar.
  • I have a desk job and have to bring my own food, too. These are my favorites: Almonds mixed with 1 tbsp dried cranberries and 1 tbsp white choc chips (for when I am craving sweet) Non-fat yogurt Salads (I buy all the ingredients and then make individual-sized salads for the week and put in tupperware) Fruit (easy fruit…
  • What kind of exercises are you doing? Could it be that you have built muscle? I have also lost some weight (not nearly as much as you) and feel like my pants have become a bit tighter in the legs and I thought What the heck? Then I realized it's because I have been doing a lot of strength training in my legs and my muscles…