onegoalB Member


  • NO people! i am just saying that if your goal is to gain muscle mass milk would be better than water. If you aren't looking to gain mass, using water is a good way to avoid some cals. unless you want to use milk. It won't make you huge lol
  • haha i can make chicken breast and salads. That's about it lol!
  • No i mean it can be good to take it with milk if you are looking to gain mass! If you're trying to cut it is just best to take it with water. In my opinion. Lol
  • haha yeah and I lift a fair amount for a girl so I take protein. I guess I should probably learn how to cook... -_-
  • I was actually reading the body by Vi package today. I realized that the reason a lot of people want to turn to it because of the small amount of calories you are consuming. I believe it is 90 per serving of two scoops. If you think about it, it shouldn't make sense that this two scoop shake will only provide you with 24%…
  • Consuming protein after lifting is good for stimulating muscle protein synthesis which will in turn help burn fat, and it curbs hunger. Also taking it with milk adds extra protein which could lead to mass gaining which some people are after! Whatever floats your boat.
  • I don't necessarily believe in meal replacement with shakes like Vi and Slim Fast. However, I will drink vanilla/chocolate whey protein mixed with water (keeps you leaner than mixing with milk) after a very hard workout. Then I add a couple smaller meals a few hours spaced apart later. Good for your metabolism :)
  • Hi guys! I am new to myFitnessPal and so far I definitely like it! I could surely use some people to interact with though! :)