jwatford Member


  • This was very encouraging and helpful. The emphasis on core work is critical because there are so many articles out there saying, 'Don't do core work - you cannot spot-reduce.' While you can't spot-reduce, the core work is still so essential to flattening the stomach while cleaning up the eating to lose the belly-fat. For…
  • That's the world we live in, though. For me, one the biggest battles is living in a house with others who don't share my fitness goals so I have the cinnamon rolls on the kitchen counter as we speak. Temptation will never go away and, so, our need to be stronger than that temptation must endure as well. ( And, yes, I broke…
  • I like to download a new album to listen to during my workouts as a reward for progress.
  • Thanks for the motivation. I was doing well until last week when I got a stupid head-cold, allergy, or something of the sort that gave me a great excuse to stop working out. Now, I'm at that crossroads of allowing myself to fall back into old bad habits or pushing to make good decisions about what I put in my mouth as well…
  • Wow! What a feeling! I can't wait to celebrate my first 10. Enjoy and stick with it!
  • Awesome! Giver yourself a mental victory party and then keep putting out of your mind. Don't let your brain start trying to rationalize how 'sensible' it would be to just have a smoke. Stay Strong!
  • Good idea. I forget that they have just about everything logged these days.
  • I'm right there with you. Almost the identical scenerio. I think my problem is in what I've been eating moreso than how much. I hate vegetables and I don't eat them. Let me know when you find the answer to this problem. I need it, too. :)