tweety_montana Member


  • Hi, Can you give me advice regarding the sport watch that you bought? As I really want to get one to get a true reading of calories actually burned. Thanks.
  • Best warm up is get a skipping rope and start off gentle for 1 minute than add bit more speed for another minute and last minute extra fast before you do a bit of running adding arm stretches and sprints in between. Our evil trainer sometime adding star jumps in between and kneeling down for one seconds during the jog…
  • Hi Kitty, First - can you burn me a copy of all of those DVDs lol - you are well dedicated. To be honest I haven't seen any of her dvds yet. I recently bought the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred - and just started. Some trainers suggest try not to work out with the same muscle group in the same week but rotate them. Ie one…
  • Try something that you will enjoy and set it in your weekly diary. For me I like have a good laugh with my workmates and play badminton for 45 - 75 minutes. You play a game without you notice you are actually working your whole body too. If you enjoy swimming - aqua aerobics is good for you too. Hope this helps.
  • Thank you - that is what I thought. No one mention it!!! As if loosing weight is not bad enough - now I understand why the weekly weigh in for the women on Biggest Losers, some of the gained weight!!!!
  • Thank you ladies for the messages. That really reassured me. I was about to panic there lol. I can feel either tomorrow or day after I will be in pain............I better have my hot water bottle ready. The joy of being a woman.......................... I wish everyone to keep up the good work xxxx Love, Tweety
  • Hi Jay, Try Cardio exercise such as spin classes and swimming. 45 minutes of spin class, you will burn at least over 340 calories and cycled about 15 miles without you even notice it. Swimming tone your whole body as well as burning calories without feeling a sweat. You feel relax afterwards. If not try everyday to do a 10…
  • Well done - this really encourage newbies like me to stick to it.